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  1. 01platinum

    1st time using B20

    had to clean EBP valve and pipe today, other than that ok so far,mileage seems to have improved ???
  2. 01platinum

    Best year model SD 7.3L?

    Sure I'm gonna regret this ,but what is IIRC ?
  3. 01platinum

    Alaska Moose overloaded

  4. 01platinum


    Where can I find some information about diesel happenings in the south ? I currently live in middle TN. but originally from central AL. I also travel through Georgia a good bit. So if anyone knows of cool diesel event coming up give me a shout:thumbs
  5. 01platinum

    front end grinding...

    I definetly agree with CHPMustang. if the noise will increase as you turn, that's a good indication that a wheel bearing is in your future. might wanna check into the dynatrac kit( think that's who makes it) you will be money ahead in the long run. especially if your gonna run large tires. good luck
  6. 01platinum

    Rear Axle Whine

    when do you hear the whine noise ? accel, deccel, coasting. more info would help. if it's a constant whine and pitch changes with speed, possibly the driveshaft carrier bearing? noise on accel usually pinion bearing. noise on deccel usually carrier bearing or gear backlash too tight.
  7. 01platinum

    Wheel Hub Pops

    are you sure it's not the climate system making the noise? not sure which part, maybe the recirculation dampner. (someone on here will know what I'm talking about) remember reading a ford TSB about it a years ago.
  8. 01platinum


    2001 F250 = 76898
  9. 01platinum

    Ford Job Offer (Diesel Tech)

    Crumm,they made me an offer, just curious what is the average pay for a diesel tech, not familiar with domestic shop operations
  10. 01platinum

    Ford Job Offer (Diesel Tech)

    I have been offered a job at my local Ford dealership, seems the only diesel guy they have is not able to keep up with the work load. I’m a auto tech at European auto dealer, ASE master with L1 and over 15 years experience. My question is, what is the pay scale or average pay for this position...
  11. 01platinum

    1st time using B20

    well the truck died this morning coming to a stop sign, would restart then die, changed the fuel filter and drove back home to let it sit and idle for a while, seems fine for now ??? hope this isn't gonna be the start of many problems
  12. 01platinum

    1st time using B20

    well I'm 300 miles into the first tank and I'm not seeing nearly as much black smoke when i accel. but truck seems to be running fine, may be a tad quieter? gonna try another tankfull
  13. 01platinum

    Remote Keyless entry not working.

    oh yeah, you have to punch the unlock button twice to unlock all doors.
  14. 01platinum

    Remote Keyless entry not working.

    remove the power window switch panel, there is a screw behind there,then lift straight up on the panel about an inch, should come right off. hope i didn't forget a screw. (maybe someone else will confirm) Good luck
  15. 01platinum

    Problems with powersteering, and brakes....not fluid

    the brakes and steering both work off the power steering pump, possibly just a bad pump or fluid contaminated,
  16. 01platinum

    Couple Q's about my boost numbers

    i previously had a hypertech on my 01 7.3, can't remember the peak boost for certain.( i think around 23-24) but i had several issues with 2-3 shift flare with the programmer installed. called hypertech to question the shift flare and they offered me a complete refund after I explained that i...
  17. 01platinum

    First 11 Mods

    I WANT IT ALL, HEE HEE HEE, but i can't afford it
  18. 01platinum

    What are X,s bringing $$$

    i know the 7.3 is still bringing good money,did good on the sale of my last 7.3 f250, should have kept it. my second truck cost me what i made on the first one. seems nobody wants the 6.0
  19. 01platinum

    Lifted the truck friday...

    Sweeeeet, how does it ride ?
  20. 01platinum


    I really thought georgia was gonna kill us, not sure what fulmer did in that week off but it worked. now I have no idea what's gonna happen with the tide. U going to the game Bamasixgun?
  21. 01platinum


  22. 01platinum

    steering stabilizer ?

    does anyone know where to purchase a single FOX or Donahoe steering stabilizer for the ford F250 4wd. been looking for a while now with no luck. Thanks for any help,
  23. 01platinum

    1st time using B20

    Just filled up this afternoon with B20 biodiesel @ $2.89 per gallon. found a fuel station within 7 miles of home.( thanks to a search on this website) Just wondering if there is anything i need to watch or listen for in the first few tanks.My truck has 76k miles and I change my oil every 5k and...
  24. 01platinum

    AFE Stage II installed!

    found a good deal on thought i would pass it on to you all