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  1. acjjkamp

    Are there many this color in Texas?

    and here i thought Mary Kay only did Caddys
  2. acjjkamp

    new toys

    the local Honda shop gave us a great deal on all three, after all discounts and the 4 year warranties on the 150 and 230, it was almost like getting the 150 free. Mine is the only one w/o a warranty being a race style bike. Both boys have advanced and grown so much since the last season that...
  3. acjjkamp

    What do you all think???

    If its meant to be, a little distance wont hurt. Go with what you feel is best. 18 years ago I was stationed in Germany, girlfriend of 2 years (now wife) stayed in Sacramento, CA. for 4 months before we got married, then back to Germany for a 5 year honeymoon. We have a great relationship...
  4. acjjkamp

    new toys

    we figure we might as well have fun with them while we can, and spend their inheritance at the same time :)
  5. acjjkamp

    new toys

    got some new play toys last weekend :thumbs going to have to change my toy sig now loaded unloaded our toys
  6. acjjkamp

    Nekkid Crotch Rocket...too funny!

    ditto, been there done that, MX, road bikes, road rash, busted limbs, creaks, cracking joints... but still get out there and ride :) I'll just have my kids take care of me in my old age
  7. acjjkamp

    heres a cool video

    sweet. :) as long as its not me or mine
  8. acjjkamp


    Finally got a somewhat decent pic of the SDD decal. Posted proud in Santa Maria, Ca. on a dirty truck... :o
  9. acjjkamp

    services this weekend

    services will be held this weekend for the's a sad day:( but the weekend is looking good :D
  10. acjjkamp

    seat beltminder disable ?

    I always wear a seatbelt. but when trying to hook up, in and out of the cab, moving it 10' etc, it gets real anoying.
  11. acjjkamp

    seat beltminder disable ?

    I did the multi step this and that to disable the chime. and the keys in the ignition. dont forget to set your parking brake. seems I kept on forgetting that part. after the batts were disconnected for maintenace though, the chime came back. now I just disconnected the two wires under the...
  12. acjjkamp

    Guess who I ran into today.

    thaks for the morbid laugh Crumm. Love it
  13. acjjkamp

    I'm all smiles

    filled up the truck this evening getting ready to go and play. $3.06 diesel, reg unl $3.10 i remember my brother filling up his car for $5 at .25 p/g for super....:o
  14. acjjkamp

    Tires for 18" wheels

    those look nice. how are they for handling on/off road, and what are they rated at? stock size rim? 80% of our time its on the road, the rest is draging the trailer in and out of mud and sand
  15. acjjkamp

    Tires for 18" wheels

    We do a lot of towing too. I'm gettting close to looking for some replacements too. I've found a few 18" D rated, but the only E rated so far has been the Conti's :( I'm told that there are some D rated tires that are at or near the E ratting, but I havent heard from anyone that uses them...
  16. acjjkamp

    Loud whining kinda sound when towing?

    Mine does the same thing. I was told its a cooling fan. Ours comes on during the summer around 100 deg when towing our trailer up steep hills. No puking so far, so it must be working
  17. acjjkamp

    PIE adaptor

    FYI I got my answer from the folks at PIE. The FRD04-AUX uses the DVD input of the factory Ford radio. The factory DVD unit also has an auxiliary input on the front panel so that you can hook up a camcorder, game system, etc. Therefore, the radio itself can access two "modes" of this...
  18. acjjkamp

    PIE adaptor

    thanks Bill, I added a little more to clarify the post. Going to call PIE and see what they say about the extra display.
  19. acjjkamp

    exhaust tip that is just plain wrong!

    right along with spinners
  20. acjjkamp

    PIE adaptor

    Well, I finally got around to getting the PIE system set up on the radio. What a difference! I can actually hear the broadcast now (too quiet before) FRD04-AUX on the 6 disc system. Interesting things on the stereo display…. A headphone icon showed up after the PIE was installed, and is...
  21. acjjkamp

    Picked up the new Newfie puppy today!

    nice looking dog. he'll be a good loyal friend to the family. we've had our dog since he was born 13 years ago. the only dog our kids (13 & 15) have had. found this on yours.... have fun, he'll get big Height: Dogs 28 ½ -31 ½ inches (72-80 cm.) Bitches 26 ½-28 ½ inches (67-72 cm.)...
  22. acjjkamp

    Tell me what a

    Es ist schon gut genug. Ich konnte dich verstehen :D Und ya, die VW beverbungen sind ausgeseichnet. :D
  23. acjjkamp

    Tell me what a

    and here I thought it was the supreme court whip... :)
  24. acjjkamp

    New Truck maybe

    first, welcome to SDD Like you, I said the same thing (mid 80's), but ended going back to Ford for the towing cappacity. Our trailer when fully loaded (all the time) is around 12k. All I can say it wow. The truck is stock, and pulls our TH like a truck should :D MPG towing...well lets...
  25. acjjkamp

    My wife left me

    :D the more you drink, the better looking they get :roflmao That was a good one