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  1. Fire1


    OK I'm all ears, what is the easy fix? For those interested here are some pics. "][/URL] "][/URL]
  2. Fire1


    My wife bought me the '08 mirrors last weekend for my birthday. I wanted them for the look, but the view is SO much better than the older tow mirrors. I bought mine form Dfuser while in Georgetown Texas for the weekend. He provided plugs and the wiring colors for replacing the plugs and wiring...
  3. Fire1

    Cackle Cure Kit???

    From my understanding it uses a very small bleed orifice to allow some fuel to move through without dropping pressure. I think it is a viable alternative for those relatively stock trucks that do not want/need the adjustment of the Regulated Return set up.
  4. Fire1

    orange peel in factory paint

    A friend of mine that was in the paint & body area a while back tells me that there is usually not enough clear to be able to wet sand an buff a factory paint job. That was a few years back, so who knows now. I'd sure hate to sand or buff through though. :eek:
  5. Fire1

    New Excursion Paint Scheme

    He's from my neck of the woods. I think this is at least his third Excursion. I really like this one.
  6. Fire1

    CHEAP crewcab rear seat cover

    Cabela's Universal Fit Seat Covers I have one of these from Cabelas. Cheap and works to keep seat clean from my two German Shepherds.
  7. Fire1

    RPM Change

    Torque Converter unlocking and relocking. Mine does the same. Fully normal operation for certain engine calibration codes.
  8. Fire1

    why is there a diff between being cold and warm?

    Nope, no vaccum set up on the 99+.Still an oil actuated piston that closes the EBPV on the turbine outlet.
  9. Fire1

    Unibody Explorer?

    I guess that is progress. We sure love our 2000 Explorer with the 5.0 V8. It has been a GREAT vehicle with no real problems in 95,000 miles. The wife loves it and say she does not want a "new" vehicle yet.
  10. Fire1

    Changing mirrors out ?

    I do no know if they actually extend any further that the previous version of tow mirrors. You can get them plain without the lights though.
  11. Fire1

    Changing mirrors out ?

    You'll just have to run you own wires for the running lights and turn signals to each mirror. I plan to upgrade to the '08 mirrors w/ lights. You can also get the new '08 mirror w/o lights or with better yet with lights and power fold/extend.
  12. Fire1


    Looks like a BD exhaust brake.
  13. Fire1

    Newest Mod: Carseat #3

    It appears as we will be installing the mod Car Seat 2.0 in late summer '08. Can't wait. Got a lot to do until then though.
  14. Fire1

    Meth Injection?????

    Why not? Maybe not 100% Meth, but meth/water injection if used conservatively appears to be safe.
  15. Fire1

    Vacation Time???

    Can't quite talk my company into closing for the holidays yet.:dunno I do have a guy that is going to cover my shift for Christmas Day though. Get be at home with the kiddo and mommy.:D
  16. Fire1

    Bridgestone Dueller Revo

    I've had excellent results with my 265's E's. I origianlly got some 2 D's that I did not catch until 24,000 miles and they wore BAD. But the E's have been great. Good traction, handling and wear. I keep my rear around 70-75 also and don't wear the centers, but mine are narrower than 285's...
  17. Fire1

    Birthday Present

    Wanna trade MIL's??:rant
  18. Fire1

    Batteries, Revisited

    I wonder if Sears no longer carrying the Optima batteries has more to do with them now having an AGM Diehard (store brand) than anything else. Sounds more likely to me. I always heard good about the Optimas. My Interstates have leaked from day one and seem to be getting weak on our colder...
  19. Fire1

    Aftermarket fuel filter install: who's done it and other questions.

    I'm also running a 2 micron Dahl 100 pre-pump. I monitor the pressure at the factory filter and change around 10,000 mile or if the pressure drops. No problems. Been doing it for 2 years now.
  20. Fire1

    AIH solenoid

    Just pointing out that it will not do what he thinks it will and the reason he decided to hook it back up.
  21. Fire1

    AIH solenoid

    The AIH does not function during cold or any other starting. It is there for extended idling in cold weather under very specific parameters.
  22. Fire1

    Drivetrain differences from '03 F250 4x4 to '03 F350 4x4

    A badge and a the weights on the Vin sticker according to past threads on other sites.
  23. Fire1

    Oil Spinner?

    You only need air if you are unable to mount it with a direct path to the oil sump if I understand correctly.
  24. Fire1

    Oil Spinner?

    These have been around awhile from my understanding, so I feel that this issue has been looked into. I don't this that is going to be able to do that much separation anyway.
  25. Fire1

    Rotella 15w40 or MC 15w40?

    I fail to believe that INTERNATIONAL designed their engine to run on Motorcraft oil. It is a fine oil, as are all that meet the API specs, but it is no better that Rotella.:2c