Who is parking their truck today?


Full Access Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Silsbee, Tx
A boycott of any one oil company isn't going to do anything. The "total" demand will remain the same. The demand for the non-boycotted oil companies will go up, and to meet that demand they will buy the fuel from the boycotted oil company. There is no way to win in any situation with a boycott of any part of big oil.

Another option is to get the government to reduce or remove the tax on fuel where both federal and state taxes can reach upward of $0.50 per gallon. Some states like Louisiana (no offense to anyone from there) obviously are corrupted, or have been, and don't spent it on the roads. Drive across Louisiana on I-10 and see what I'm talking about. Here in South Carolina the roads aren't much better. Getting the taxes removed wont happen either because some folks in the government are trying to raise taxes by $0.50. Now that's a great idea.

The only real option is to DRILL and build. The only way to meet the demand is to poke more holes in the Alaska and the Gulf. Its there, we just need to go get it. Why don't we? Environmental activists groups who whine about stupid stuff like the prairie chicken in west Texas. Did you know that they can't drill during the mating season? Yeah, that's stupid. At least in Port Aurthur, Valero has jumped through the hoops and are doubling the size of their refinery. It will be the largest in the US. If you ask me, we are about 10 years too late to start this and when we finally do it might be too late. China is getting to drill right under our feet between Florida and Cuba. Do you really think that they care about the environment? Nope! I bet our equipment and extraction process is more environmentally friendly than theirs. But no, we can't have it. Probably too close to the manatees or something. If the politicians didn't sit there and pander to every environmentalist wacko out there, we might not have threads like this to begin with.


Full Access Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Hartford, WI USA
We Can't, and Shouldn't follow that.... Minimal NET profit, after expenditures "They" keep BS'n us with. THAT IS, the Smoke & Mirrors of it all.

If a company or industry made Widgets, and made XX BILLION in profit selling'm, More profit that ever before in history... and only kept les than X% of it?

Ok, so how do you know that they really made 40 billion profit? Why not 80 billion? 60 billion? 20 billion? Why not 10? After all, if you feel their numbers are bogus, why not go for broke and make it 20 billion so they pay less taxes? How do you know that they made more profit than ever? Maybe it is like Enron and they are actually losing money? What is YOUR source?


Full Access Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Hartford, WI USA
i guess im wondering what is WRONG w/ PROFIT...as a share holder
(aparently too many of us AREN'T) we'd be happy for these profits...

perhaps you should also research THIS one too....Starbucks
personally i see NO difference in the companies !

Put it this way. I don't have an issue with it whether I am a share holder or not (which I am not unless someone gave me shares I don't know about). I know I am trying to make more than 20% profit.


Its my side of the garage
Oct 1, 2007
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McKinney, TX
the trucking industry is WAY too important in this country to be "parked". it will hurt many more businesses/people than it will "help" fuel prices .... also....while you are parking your truck....did you turn off your house heat as well??? (for those who heat with oil). did you not purchase anything that came over on a boat? did you not drive your diesel to drive a gasser? diesel is higher than gas because the refineries can make a lot of gas and a little diesel, or a lot of diesel and a little gas. the demand for diesel has skyrocketed recently, causinig the price to rise because several refineries are still geared toward making more gas and cannot keep up with the diesel demand. so what did you really accomplish by parking the diesel and driving the gasser?

This post made the most sense of the bunch! Having been a past Owner/Operator, I can tell you that most of the efforts of this type made by truck drivers is the result of their lack of understanding of our economy. Niether do those who pay attention to this boycott have a very full understanding of the magnitude of participation (or lack thereof).

Gasoline and Diesel are products derived from crude oil. Crude oil is a commodity, which means it's value is MARKET DRIVEN. The US oil companies (such as Exxon) are making record profit because of the record demand. Translate: They are selling more fuel than ever before! They are NOT dictating the market value of crude oil, and therefore are not dictating the price of gasoline or diesel.

The trucking industry boycott is making headlines today because of the ease of information sharing. This is the first time that many in our nation have heard of such a boycott. By far, this is not the first boycott! Nonetheless, it will fall into the vast wasteland of all of the past ineffective boycotts. Why? Because of a lack of participation.

The vast majority of OTR drivers are company drivers. They will do as they are told and continue to drive, for fear of disciplinary action. These companies have committments to their clients that they will honor. Non of these company drivers pays for their own fuel, so why would they sacrifice 3-days of pay?

The O/O's of this world may stand in unison, but their efforts will be futile, and will only result in lost revenue. Hopefully they were smart enough to take their break at home, rather than in a hotel ($$) room.


May 6, 2005
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italy,tx and stephenville
i agree that there probably is a little gouging going on but at the same time like others have said, just like most things in this world it's all about supply and demand. to get more you have to invest more just like hp from our trucks we spend money to get it. oil is the same way it cost more to get more. boycotting is not going to do a dang thing. i have been back and forth about driving a smaller car around when i'm not in neeed of my truck which isnt much but by the time you find a car thatl run and be reliable and pay for another insurance policy for it you've eatn up what you "saved" so mine is still rolling.

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