not me...regardless of the cost of fuel, if i dont drive my truck i dont eat or have money to pay the bills.
DITTO...or make my truck payments...............
not me...regardless of the cost of fuel, if i dont drive my truck i dont eat or have money to pay the bills.
We Can't, and Shouldn't follow that.... Minimal NET profit, after expenditures "They" keep BS'n us with. THAT IS, the Smoke & Mirrors of it all.
If a company or industry made Widgets, and made XX BILLION in profit selling'm, More profit that ever before in history... and only kept les than X% of it?
I know you are posting what you have read, but what I am saying is do not believe everything you read.![]()
i guess im wondering what is WRONG w/ a share holder
(aparently too many of us AREN'T) we'd be happy for these profits...
perhaps you should also research THIS one too....Starbucks
personally i see NO difference in the companies !
the trucking industry is WAY too important in this country to be "parked". it will hurt many more businesses/people than it will "help" fuel prices .... also....while you are parking your truck....did you turn off your house heat as well??? (for those who heat with oil). did you not purchase anything that came over on a boat? did you not drive your diesel to drive a gasser? diesel is higher than gas because the refineries can make a lot of gas and a little diesel, or a lot of diesel and a little gas. the demand for diesel has skyrocketed recently, causinig the price to rise because several refineries are still geared toward making more gas and cannot keep up with the diesel demand. so what did you really accomplish by parking the diesel and driving the gasser?