the trucking industry is WAY too important in this country to be "parked". it will hurt many more businesses/people than it will "help" fuel prices.
you can park the trucks when we rebuild our rail system that was ONCE the best in the world (long ass time ago) and have other means of transporting needed goods such as produce, paper, and mountain dew.
freight tonnage is already at an all time low, that has slowed down most diesel shops in my area to a stand still causing many mechanics to lose thier jobs. more parked trucks is just going to hurt that field even more.
also....while you are parking your truck....did you turn off your house heat as well??? (for those who heat with oil). did you not purchase anything that came over on a boat? did you not drive your diesel to drive a gasser? diesel is higher than gas because the refineries can make a lot of gas and a little diesel, or a lot of diesel and a little gas. the demand for diesel has skyrocketed recently, causinig the price to rise because several refineries are still geared toward making more gas and cannot keep up with the diesel demand. so what did you really accomplish by parking the diesel and driving the gasser?
instead of parking your truck, write a letter to congress. make copies and send it once a week every day if you feel so ambitious. if you feel a letter wont do anything, go meet up with your congress people and TALK to them face to face.
i dont know what the sample time of this report is, but i found it interesting. if you want to boycott something, this may help:
These companies import Middle Eastern oil:
Shell........................... 205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco......... 144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil............... 130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway... 117,740,000 barrels
Amoco............................62,231,000 barrels
Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Sunoco..................0 barrels
Conoco..................0 barrels
Sinclair.................0 barrels
BP/Phillips............0 barrels
Hess.......................0 barrels
ARCO....................0 barrels