Who is parking their truck today?


Cloud Booster 500HP
Mar 17, 2008
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I 95n.b. 1/10 Keystone State
the trucking industry is WAY too important in this country to be "parked". it will hurt many more businesses/people than it will "help" fuel prices.

you can park the trucks when we rebuild our rail system that was ONCE the best in the world (long ass time ago) and have other means of transporting needed goods such as produce, paper, and mountain dew.

freight tonnage is already at an all time low, that has slowed down most diesel shops in my area to a stand still causing many mechanics to lose thier jobs. more parked trucks is just going to hurt that field even more.

also....while you are parking your truck....did you turn off your house heat as well??? (for those who heat with oil). did you not purchase anything that came over on a boat? did you not drive your diesel to drive a gasser? diesel is higher than gas because the refineries can make a lot of gas and a little diesel, or a lot of diesel and a little gas. the demand for diesel has skyrocketed recently, causinig the price to rise because several refineries are still geared toward making more gas and cannot keep up with the diesel demand. so what did you really accomplish by parking the diesel and driving the gasser?

instead of parking your truck, write a letter to congress. make copies and send it once a week every day if you feel so ambitious. if you feel a letter wont do anything, go meet up with your congress people and TALK to them face to face.

i dont know what the sample time of this report is, but i found it interesting. if you want to boycott something, this may help:

I did my e-mails .....copied to word and attatched to all contacts:sweet


Full Access Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Hartford, WI USA
Emotion, I agree. I bet everyone is a little emotional about the price of fuel.

Then do the simple math. Congress lays into oil execs over profits, investments - Apr. 1, 2008

The industry has argued they need to be big to compete with large state-owned oil companies from places like Russia and China. They also say that while the raw numbers are high, their profit margin - at around 9 percent - is roughly in line with other industries.

Now, if you can say that their margin is 100%, I might agree you are on to something. At 9%, I don't think so. Even if you are saying that they fudged it like all businesses do and they are at 15%, I think your average business would make about that much. I certainly hope to make more in my business, don't you?


Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Then do the simple math. Congress lays into oil execs over profits, investments - Apr. 1, 2008

The industry has argued they need to be big to compete with large state-owned oil companies from places like Russia and China. They also say that while the raw numbers are high, their profit margin - at around 9 percent - is roughly in line with other industries.

Now, if you can say that their margin is 100%, I might agree you are on to something. At 9%, I don't think so. Even if you are saying that they fudged it like all businesses do and they are at 15%, I think your average business would make about that much. I certainly hope to make more in my business, don't you?

All of us that are quoting numbers, really do not know for sure. Only the profit figures that have to be public should be accurate. Companies juggle their "numbers" for their benefit. To say they made 9% or 15% is just a wild guess compared to the actual figure.


Stock? Pfft!
Apr 2, 2005
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Albuquerque, NM
I parked mine last night for about two weeks. Something about a frozen caliper, bad unit bearing, and ball joints need replacing. Unfortunately, all of the parts will need to get here somehow.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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When you figure in how much they SPENT to make that, it works out to about 10%. Just that the profit number looks big by itself. When you compare it to what they brought in, it is pretty small.

We Can't, and Shouldn't follow that.... Minimal NET profit, after expenditures "They" keep BS'n us with. THAT IS, the Smoke & Mirrors of it all.

If a company or industry made Widgets, and made XX BILLION in profit selling'm, More profit than ever before in history... and only kept les than X% of it ? The Stock Holders would have fired the CEO and his/her board... Long ago. How stupid do "They" think we are ??

"They" have High End Bean Counters, Lawyers, Sooth Sayers and Sages that keep the Lip Service coming. Trumped up Profit/Loss numbers, OUT of country blame, IN country blame, Doomsday/Chicken Little Environmental issues and predictions Yada, Yada, Yada. The Guberment keeps Rolling Over.. to the Tree huggers, Frog'n Lizard kissers... and It's an Election year, no Leader or Staffer wants to loose their job... We keep paying a price for fuel, that just doesn't make sense. How stupid do "They" think we are ??

Spent 25 years in the Fuel bidness. Propane to exotic jet fuel mixes. Had a total Allegiance to my employer, still do, always will. Retired now. My allegiance to my employers Suppliers ? Usta have some, slowly waned to.. Not much at all.

Not an exspert, don't pretend to be. Around the bidness long enough to know "The Real Deal". The numbers are just bigger.

Proly git Exorcized for this but.. What the Hey
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