well i got bad news today

.the block won't clean-up.he bored it out to 40 thousands and it still looks bad.he thinks it had a cavution

dunno ) problem.so i'm looking for a block once again.the heads cleaned up fine.the crank had to be turned alittle.the rods are done.
my engine in the truck died at bts this past weak-end.broke 2 rockers,bent 2 push rods.got that fixed then still had 2 dead cyclinder and had to pull the camper home like that.but i did get better fuel mileage on the way home with the big 6 banger than we did on the way down with all eight.
anyway should know something about a block tomorrow and get this back on track.it would of been done this weak-end.just waiting on some goodies from bdp if everything went right.