Yep, but again that's for a part time student with out any kind of FAA certificate.
The expectation of this particular employer is that once students complete school, they will get their A&P certificate. (That is why they specify NMU Aviation Maintenance students in the hiring notice.) Once that happens, the employee will then get moved from a repairman position to a certificated A&P mechanic position.
Mrs TG works the mid-shift. When I'm done with school, I might as well try to get on the same shift so we'll get to see each other. If I can get a night shift and after I get my A&P, my starting pay as an A&P will be about $17/hour. Within a couple of years, I should be making about $20/hour.
The cost of living isn't too terribly high around here. My cable bill is more than the electric and heating bill combined. So $20/hour is pretty damned decent.