I could type for days, but I s#$% at typing so lets narrow down the problem:
If your setup has two switches, one for the fan, one for the fan light, then it should be wired as follows:
Black to Black -fan motor
Red to Blue - fan light
White to white
Green to bare
#1 use a meter, if you don't have one, at least spend $10 on a cheap one. I want your to read voltage between the black (hot) wire and neutral (white) wire at the fan box.
If you have 120V black to white, proceed to #2
If you do not have 120V black to white, but do black to bare, proceed to #3
#2 If your fan is switched separate from the fan light, use a meter to determine if there is 120V on the load side of the switch, if not replace. If there is not on the line side, follow line wire to it's source in the same box and check the connection. It could be the "quick" wiring.
#3 sounds like a lost neutral (white wire) check the connection at the fan, also at the switch, also at all the other outlets in the room, and adjoining rooms. The outlets (plugs) will be on the same circuit, and usually the plug closest to the switch inside the room, or the plug closest to the switch outside the room are where the power comes from to the switch itself. As tbar already stated, residential sparky's are known for being lazy and using cheap materials. They often use the cheapest receptacles they can find, and "quick" wire them in the stab in holes on the back. This leads to nothing but problems down the road as the entire circuit down stream depends on a very lousy connection- tension between the two, that arcs and eventually is no longer connected and fails.
PS 80 or even 90 volts doesn't count.
PS #2 It's called a 3 way switch not a 2 way. It could easily be wired wrong, if it is I'll guide you through the steps to correct it.