The EGR cooler is a pipe that runs from the exhaust on the passenger side, pre turbo, passes through a coolant cooled chamber and the through an EGR valve and then right into the intake. Sooty air entering the intake.
The flaw with the system is you have 1300* temp exhaust and 200* coolant with a part that came from the lowest bidder in between. So when the exhaust gets too hot it causes the coolant to flash and out comes the coolant reservoir. These are of course under programmed situations. Sooner or later the part breaks and I if I remember correctly, some even had one pop under factory settings. The block off plate is just that. It prevents the hot exhaust from entering the coolant chamber therefore "protecting" the cheap part. Problem is it throws a code that any programmer will compensate for. And the programmer can keep the EGR valve closed so you have no air in that pipe.
Do I have that correct Bama?