I do not have any codes and the light is cycling it just doesn't want to start this winter unless it is plugged in. last winter I hardly plugged it in at all and had no troubles. Maybe it's this cheap fuel we're buying now
could be LOTS of things, cold, fuel filter(s), you could have a
bad gpcm or some bad glow plugs, could be fuel related...pressure
more than "quality" (unless your burning bio or wvo)
i guess we'd need to know more...are your crank times LENGTHY
or does it just run rough and shut down.
1st step is to check for codes...then if you dont have any
test the suspected components and sensors (but i would bet
you have some codes...if its the gpcm or even a couple of
glow plugs).
we really need to have some more details about whats goin' on...
could even be low batteries or an hpop issue...but w/out more
info and a code scan its anyones guess....and replacing parts
HOPING to get it right can be expensive and frustrating.