Part of the problem is the lack of refinery capacity, so supply and demand still play the lead role, as you'd expect. While it's true that we need more wells here in our own grounds, the EPA and the enviro-freaks are doing everything they can to stop it. each court battle costs money, where do you think it comes from? Go the next step, when was the last time a refinery, a new refinery, was built in the USA? About 30-35 years ago. Ya think our consumption has changed a bit since then? When Katrina took a dump on NO and forgot to flush, it really screwed with many oil related products. Things like PVC pipe and conduit... I physically couldn't get any. Also don't forget all that oil that comes in here everyday doesn't get made into fuel for us, there's trains, planes, off road diesel, then a miriad of products, like PVC pipe and a 100 other plastics that we use daily. It's a little more complicated than the entertainment news media and new papers make it out to be for the average American dolt that can barely read and still unfortunately vote.
Paper or plastic? Eh, Save a tree, eat beaver!
Paper or plastic? Eh, Save a tree, eat beaver!