when you try and use the heat/ac does it come out of the selected vent or just the defrost vent.
I haven't had to really use the heat yet except for defrost which worked fine and the A/C works very well--comes out of all the vents.
when you try and use the heat/ac does it come out of the selected vent or just the defrost vent.
The motor is not turning. Is it getting power? The bad motor may have blown a fuse. The shift motors are a part that seems to go out on a regular basis if you use your 4x on a regular basis.
This is exactly why I like the manual stick on the floor, and manual hubs.
when you try and use the heat/ac does it come out of the selected vent or just the defrost vent.
having that stick was the greatest!!!
sorry but this would NOT have anything to do w/ the engagement of
the transfer case.
now if the HUBS werent engaging or unlocking THEN youd be on the
right track.