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  1. B

    My turbo has been sticking...

    i do not have a 6.0 but i work on them often, and turbo problems are not uncommon and have similar symptoms decribed, there are a couple of things about the turbo that tuns me away first off it has alot of moving parts that increase failure rate second is that egt's are higher using the VGT if i...
  2. B

    ????Injector Removal Tool????

    I use a small pry bar, it does not take very much pressure to un-seat them. the tool to me in not a required.
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    do you think this would work?

    I have been giving some thought to the high pressure oil pump and i was thinking that if you can put the internals out a IH 530 injector in a powerstroke body then the oil pump for the 530 should work and move more oil given that it will bolt up:dunno , When i look at them bolted to a engine...
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    More Diesel Woes for Ford?

    I think you are exacty right, but international has a hand in it also or they would not let ford do it and put bad name out their for their engines i would think:confused: . I am still optomistic that ford will divorce its self frome International and Go with CAT or maybe someone else but if...
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    Diff cover

    I have a Mag-hytec and it seems to be a good upgrade, it holde 2 quarts more depending if your axle is shimmed up for a lift, but there is a dip stick in to make checking level easy, there is also a port to put a temp sensor and it just looks better than the factory cover, i have not really...
  6. B

    ReBuilding Injectors

    I am sure you will love them, adn the turbo will work well with them:sweet , I personally use the Turbonetics stock replacment with a 91mm compressor wheel, keep us all updated on the results-popcorn ... Happy wrenching
  7. B

    ReBuilding Injectors

    I bought my injectors from Jonathan Ryan of swamps diesel performance the web page is i have the smaller injecotrs that flow 175 cc with stock size nozzles, they are listed as 175/146 there are others that range up to almost 400 cc's the co-owner of the business is Dave...
  8. B

    ReBuilding Injectors

    there is a heliix cut in the plunger to allow a pilot shot before port closure, but the programmign on the truck will have to be modified or you will irratic throttle, there may be dead spots and it will not be near as smooth as it is now....
  9. B

    Who got the best X-mas Toys?

    I got the ITP pre-pump filter kit:sweet , seems to be pretty good buy, I would recomend it to anybody.
  10. B

    Only 12 mpg's!!!

    what is your RPM when you driving on the HWY? driving 2000 or more RPM will shorten the range you can drive. Diesels dont like to run high in the rpm range keep it low and use the torque rise of the engine.
  11. B

    Need help on a rebuild

    the 650 had the option using a powerstroke, cummins or caterpillar with different trans also, what drive train components are you planning on using?other than stating the obvious of lots of wrench turning, trial and error.... you probally would be better off putting a 550 drivetrain under the...
  12. B

    Regearing the rear end

    i havn't experienced personally a 550 gear change but that ring and pinion is huge! and i am sure the parts are much more than the standard sterling 10.5 so you have to take that into acount when i do axles on class A trucks it cost about double what they quoted you...
  13. B

    Very rough idle help please!!!!!!!!!!

    Good to hear all is well... :sweet Happy new year:ford :ford
  14. B

    i have a turbo question??????????

    bama, the factory turbo will be your best option unless you have some deep pockets, and some down time, if you are wanting lower egts better performance and have no problem dropping 4G's i would recomend the Aroura 5000 or posiblly the 3000 if bigger injectors are not in the future i put one a...
  15. B

    Very rough idle help please!!!!!!!!!!

    in my experience when the truck dies when it goes from "start" to "run" it has bee a IVS (idle validation switch) or TPS on Fords the IVS/TPS is onunit with the Throttle pedal... could be costly i will look up the values you should see on a meter and post them... hope this is not the problem...
  16. B

    More MPG ??

    you could be sucking air into the the system, there are kits out theere to fix it ITP diesel sells a pre pump filter kit that will help it cost about $110 if you want the better fix and have the money get a FASS or a airdog... this will deffinatly help.. if you were getting 17 before and it got...
  17. B

    Monster Box or Suncoast? who has one and...?

    i have not had a MB but i bought the vavle body they install in them and boy does it shift hard... pullin hills loaded town it would shif HARD!!!!! snap U-joints hard... so when i got a the first chance i pulled it back out and reverse engineered it to find out what had been done and the...
  18. B

    2006 powerstroke or 2003 Cummins?

    i hear the guys at work talking about thier 6.0L most of them are 05 adn 06 they run great and dollar for dollar you get more truck with ford if you are after creature compforts and some very useful thing like the inegrated trailer brake system but the most common thing they talk about is they...
  19. B

    Truck Jerks, and Stall's

    put a gage on(0-3000 psi you can get them at tractor supply, northern tool, any hydraulic shop) watch high pressure oil rail either one will work, and watch the pressure when it happens so you can issolate if it a injection problem, if it is it could be your ICP )injection control pressure...
  20. B

    amsoil duel filter

    just wondering how many fethow superduty owners have the amsoil dual bypass filter? i bought one from one of the many internet based diesel performance dealers and was not impressed at all with the item its comes with and found the adapter cracked,fittings that put the oil lines way to close to...
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    Tranny Problems

    sounds like a intermitant solinoid, it is controlled by the confuser did you get any codes? a bts is a great tranny but you should check with a local tranny shop you trust and see how much it will cost to overhaul, i had mine built by tim holt at eagle transmission in denton, modded fwd pump...
  22. B

    Glow Plug Relay/Glow Plug Replacement

    they are not hard to replace at all, ,you will have to remove the valve cover but it has re-usable seal, a short extrension and a deep 10mm socket, and a fairly strong magnet to pull the glow plug out of the hole they sit in. the injectors DO NOT need to be removed just disconnect the electrical...
  23. B

    torque converters

    let us know what you find
  24. B

    torque converters

    was there any upgrade to the internals of the trans? and how much power are expecting to put down, if it is no moer than 350 RWHP you can go with BANKSt, BD, SUNCOAST if you stay under 350 RWHP a singel disc billet TC will be plenty strong, ig more is expected better go with a triple disc but...

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