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  1. AlaskaRedneK

    turbo surge?

    Thats what mine does. If it IS that, then it is the EBPV as mentioned above. Theres nothing wrong w/ yer turbo. I actually like it, I think it sounds kool:cool: -Stouff
  2. AlaskaRedneK

    what kind of mileage to expect

    I can get probably close to 16.5 HW, but average city/hw, I see 15....But depending on how "naughty" I am... it could be 12:cool: Hope you have good luck w/ gittn that milage up!:sweet -Stouff
  3. AlaskaRedneK


    If the truck is bone stock, you may want to get a new exhaust or atleast a new 3-4" downpipe to replace that nasty stock one. Also, a air intake should be on yer list, the TYMAR is the best value on the market. Then from there you will probably need guages to accompany the chip you will most...
  4. AlaskaRedneK

    Cold air intake

    I really like the Tymar.... Its hard to beat an 1100 CFM Air filter that doesnt need oil (thats a plus for me) THAT is less than $150:sweet -Stouff
  5. AlaskaRedneK

    Weird Al is

    I love that video...... kraks me up everytime.... Gotta luv the bubble wrap part:roflmao -Stouff
  6. AlaskaRedneK

    Gettin my lift today

    Should be pretty cool. Cant wait to see the new pics!:sweet -Stouff
  7. AlaskaRedneK

    The new Lady is home....

    Right on.... Cant wait to see what ya do to 'er-popcorn -Stouff
  8. AlaskaRedneK

    New to me PSD...

    Sweet deal Bigstroker! That sounds like a fun "afternoon project":D :burnit Keep us updated! -Stouff
  9. AlaskaRedneK

    looks like crummy gets to buy us presents

    Oh yeah.... Its bout that time of year:thumbs I git one too Infact Ive been putting saving mine for the last 18 years:) -Stouff
  10. AlaskaRedneK

    My first ever dyno run

    Right on ! Id love to see how Id stand on a Dyno, As I too have "fun" planned for the near future:D Nice truk btw:sweet -Stouff
  11. AlaskaRedneK

    Exhaust Question

    I think you can git alot better deal than that.... Check Ebay, The kit I was gunna buy (before I decided to fab mine up) was like 400 buks....... chek out this link: Contact me if there is any other questions I might be able to help you with:sweet...
  12. AlaskaRedneK

    DT466 Turbo??

    Sorry, I never even heard of it:dunno Best of luck finding out about it. -Stouff
  13. AlaskaRedneK

    Exhaust Question

    If you were talking to me, I like it alot. It is more noticeable than an out the rear exhaust because it is aimed near the cab.... but it just gives it a light hum on the highway, and when you step on it......:cool: Even if you decide to go w/ the out the rear exhaust, my reccomendation...
  14. AlaskaRedneK

    Exhaust Question

    Platnum.. I have only really payed alot of attention to the OBS powerstrokes... And on them the 4" sounds kool (my friend has one), but the 5" sounds Awesome. "TheAlaskan" runs a 5" and I love his sound. I have 5" stacks (5" frum the post firewall back) and I am KRAZY about that sound. It...
  15. AlaskaRedneK

    Dodge Lemon Made

    :roflmao I agree. That thing is hella ugly.. I wouldnt expect to see many of those at a jobsite:rolleyes: -Stouff
  16. AlaskaRedneK

    Checking in

    Welcom Cary:sweet -Stouff
  17. AlaskaRedneK

    New daily driver!!

    Right on! :hail -Stouff
  18. AlaskaRedneK

    More Alaska Piks :)

    Oh, thats right.:roflmao :roflmao -Stouff
  19. AlaskaRedneK


    Tony, I cant wait till I git new injectors/tranny.... Im gunna want that program too :thumbs And thanks for the clear up:sweet ------------------------- No, its to make it sronger so you dont need to WANT a new truck... :sweet (But you dont need to tell the wife that much;) )...
  20. AlaskaRedneK


    *Takes a bow*:rofl: No kiddn, thats what I usually say. And it works some of the time:rolleyes: Best of Luck, -Stouff
  21. AlaskaRedneK

    More Alaska Piks :)

    I seen how you Texans cant git enough of what we do up here, so I found a few of my TONS of pictures, and decided to let you drool sum-mo':D And out huntin: Out Muddn: Out Muddin the 'ol Van AFTER hunting:roflmao Oh, yeah, almoast...
  22. AlaskaRedneK

    In the woods

    :roflmao You dork, lol I will see if I can conjer up some of my pictures for you deprived Texans;) -Stouff
  23. AlaskaRedneK


    You are trying to more equal your "old" truck to make it more powerful and tow better like the newer superduties... Yer saving money by not buying a new truck;) ;) lol. See if that one werks for ya, werkd for me :thumbs -Stouff BTW- I have a 6 pos. chip w/ wildman burns. I cant say enough...
  24. AlaskaRedneK

    In the woods

    Crumm, very nice. Those are good pics. Where did you take them at? -Stouff
  25. AlaskaRedneK

    Back to PS and its a F550

    WOW, I would LOVE a 550.... Very sleek:cool: :hail -Stouff