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  1. Fire1

    AIC, where is a good.....

    I think I've got the same CB in a drawer at home. It was free also. I've never used it though.
  2. Fire1

    Site acting wierd

    Must be a Woman :eek: :roflmao
  3. Fire1

    Site acting wierd

    Mine was doing the same a while back, but it finally quit. I tried all the same fixes as you, Budro w/o luck. I just suddenly started acting right. :dunno Did the same at work too.
  4. Fire1

    Zoo-Dad info

    Ditto, NONE, NADA, ZIP. Always bone dry. Now on the other hand I did have birds build a nest in my stock air box prior to putting the gutter guard on the grill.:eek: That was a shocking find!
  5. Fire1

    Best Filter/intake setup

    Bill, were you not able to find the 6637 filter local? NAPA didn't have it?
  6. Fire1

    2006 King Ranch

    I offered to buy the wife a Marauder when they first came out and she turned it down. I want one, just don't want to drive a car everyday. She loves her 5.0 Explorer too much to let it go.
  7. Fire1

    ThanksGiving, Family and FOOD

    We got all the family stuff out of the way last week, so it is just the wife, kiddo and I doing absolutely nothing!!! May eat hot dogs:eek: .
  8. Fire1

    I am new here

    Welcome to the site. You might want to add a signature line with info about your truck. It makes it easier for those attempting to answer your questions by knowing the year and model and any modifications done already. Once again Welcome and we hope you enjoy, but be warned it is adictive!!;)
  9. Fire1

    Plastic Headlight Lens

    A very fine polish/compound will do the same as the Nexus. Top it off with a coat of wax. I've used this on our older faded light bars on old engines. Works great!
  10. Fire1

    Sonnax kit and Valve clips HELP!!!

    I have also heard of the piston getting crooked in the bore and causing problems.
  11. Fire1

    2,032,000 million

    Could you finish MY bronco to be like yours???JK Congrats man!!!
  12. Fire1

    Talk about the 7.3L CPS Here!

    Yeah but the warranty is useless out in the middle of no where. So I will eventually pick up a spare to keep just in case.
  13. Fire1

    Talk about the 7.3L CPS Here!

    I got a CPS form O'Reilly's today with a lifetime warranty. It is a Borg Warner part#CSS626. $113 w/ tax.
  14. Fire1

    Today is mY Friday

    Thanks for your service guys!!!
  15. Fire1

    NTxPSA Club Meet - Nov. 19th- 12PM - Wizards Sports Cafe

    Brother and family is moving to Georgetown this weekend and we are having Thanksgiving at their new place on that weekend. Maybe next time. :dunno
  16. Fire1

    Online Movie Rentals

    Sweet. Movie night at Bill's place.:D -popcorn
  17. Fire1

    NTxPSA Club Meet - Nov. 19th- 12PM - Wizards Sports Cafe

    I've wanted to come to an event for a while now, but they are always in conflict with my schedule. I'll be in Austin that weekend. -mad Is there some conspiracy against me??:D Budro, drink one for me as usual.-popcorn
  18. Fire1

    She did not wanna start this AM

    Oh, it will eventually start in the EXTREME position, you just have to let it crank continously for a little while before it will start. Kind of like the GP's are out. It then blows whitish smoke. No biggie, I just will use one of the other 3 postions to start.
  19. Fire1

    Tool descriptions

    Tbar, you are luck to be alive!:roflmao
  20. Fire1

    She did not wanna start this AM

    I can flip it to Extreme w/ no problems. As far as HOT starting I'm not sure, I have not tried yet. It is noisy in Extreme when cold though. :cowboy:
  21. Fire1

    She did not wanna start this AM

    Well the mystery may be solved. It did some testing w/ the VOM on the GPR and it seems to be functioning as designed. So I try to cold start (relative, it's 60ish but the engine was cold) and it will not start. I then remember I just started playing with the "Extreme" setting on my chip when...
  22. Fire1

    Tool descriptions

    DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, splattering it against that freshly painted airplane part you were drying. WIRE WHEEL: Cleans paint off bolts...
  23. Fire1

    Oil leak from the valve cover help

    Bill, After my recent experiences with the Dealership Truck Shop, I say do it yourself. I'd even lend a hand if needed. My captain's truck has a slight Pass. side VC leak I noticed. His is lifted so I could see it through the wheel well. Kevin
  24. Fire1

    She did not wanna start this AM

    It was around 50* this AM. Fuel pump builds pressure fine per my guage. Batteries are less than or around a year old. It really acted like the Glow Plugs were not functioning. It started fine later and the GPR was fine on the meter. Just wonder if it could flake out and come back?
  25. Fire1

    She did not wanna start this AM

    Well I go out about 05:30 to leave for work and she just cranking over, but no fire. Wife hears the noise and comes out to check if she needs to take me to work.:eek: I then turn the key and hold it cranking over, it starts picking up speed and then finally begins to fire and FINALLY starts in...