You might check to see if you broke the shaft on the power steering pump. See if their is any play away from the pump. I did this in a 96 chevy while doing donuts in 4X4. Had pretty much the exact same symptoms. Good Luck.
If your hitting the inner fender different backspacing usually doesn't help. You would need to lift it. Backspacing would work if you were hitting on the springs. Someone may know more and give you a better answer.
I know to get the timer set properly you have to take off the timing chain and turn it into gear driven. Oh you also have to put in an rv cam and hei ignition.
Did you get them out of the bargain cave there. Most of the stuff they have there is not much cheaper than out in the normal store. If it was there it is probably there for a reason. I hope you didn't get cheated and maybe someone else has dealt with it. Good Luck!!
Go G-men. I hate the Pats. Sorry Brett but you'll have to come back next year.
I don't understand the comment about the domed teams. Indy was the only one. Seattle is an open stadium.
My dad picked up a remington baikal, It seems to be a pretty nice gun. I have heard a lot about nova's some good some bad. I wouldn't mind having one, but already have two mossberg 500 12ga and a bolt action 20ga.
Man that is a good question. I would try and see if it fits. One thing you could do is call an auto parts store and see what their part#'s they have for both of them.