On the 14th of July we're guna start out. The plan is.. There is no [REAL]Plan. Albuquerque then North, go North'ish to Neb. (Friends) Mich. U.P then lower Mich. (in-laws), Then up-state N.Y. (daughter) on to Maine (colors), then South'ish thru D.C. (Smithsonian), The whole Smokies thing, W. Va (Friends), Fla (Disney World & Key West) then Ky. (friends) and then ........ 
This will all be done with many side trips, staying in areas we find interesting for a week or two (maybe longer) if we wana.
Get'n the 2K & 5'r ready by do'n a COMPLETE & TOTAL.. oil, filters, Fluids, lubes'n grease, Tire balance, Alignment.. Starting tomorrow, Bumper to Bumper.
Whadya Think ??

This will all be done with many side trips, staying in areas we find interesting for a week or two (maybe longer) if we wana.
Get'n the 2K & 5'r ready by do'n a COMPLETE & TOTAL.. oil, filters, Fluids, lubes'n grease, Tire balance, Alignment.. Starting tomorrow, Bumper to Bumper.
Whadya Think ??