Worst Stuck......


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
I wouldn't say "worst stuck" but most embarrassing was when I was a teenager and decided to take my dad's Farmall Super A and do some disking in the garden (actually a 1/2 acre "truck" patch). My dad had planned on doing the disking, but I decided to "jump the gun" and do it while he was at work. Problem was, part of the area was actually too wet to plow, and that's why he hadn't done the disking. So I get the rear wheels stuck and had to help him get it out (after getting my butt chewed on pretty good since I should have known it was too wet). We had to dig around the wheels and put in boards, small posts or saplings, just anything to drive the wheels onto and out of the hole He actually got the same tractor stuck several times in the woods around our house and always had to get it out the same way. Those who are familiar with the old Super A's know they only had a "one wheel drive" on the left rear wheel.


Jan 20, 2006
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paris, Ohio
Another one of my bad ones was in a filled in pond. It had been filled a while before i came along, but the big hevy diesel found it. went from 2nd gear to dead stop in a second, wierd thing is only the drivers side front tire was stuck...... it was sitin on the runnin board..... tryed everything we had to get it out, finally gave up and got a tractor big enough. It was kind of fun

pic.... my gang at the time... i am 2nd fom the left


Apr 17, 2005
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Fairbanks, Alaska
Dieselpwrdredneck said:
Share your stuck pics and stories. This could be interesting-popcorn -popcorn

I would not even know where to start. When I was a kid me and my buddy's went out wheelin every weekend and getting stuck was the best part..


Full Access Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Willis, TX
Lets see it must have been when I was 18. I had a 79 Jeep CJ5 with 38" underneath it. My uncle wanted to drive it so I thought have been around uncle long time and know that anything 4X4 must go off road. So I grabed a tow strap and a come along and off we went. Nothing big just driving down some dirt and muddy back roads. Then we came up to a puddle on the dirt road that was about 4' X 3' something that you would just blast through and not even worry about it. Well that it what we did and needless to say there was a bigggggggggg freakinnnnnnnn hole. When we stopped and I relized that I couldn't see out the window. That was because the front end of the Jeep was under water. About half way up the windsheild. Climbed out and tryed to figure out how we were going to get out. No trees behind us only infront. So I had to dive into the puddle and hook up the come-along. Took two and half hours to finally get out. :sweet :sweet Good times.


I work with waste
Aug 31, 2006
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SE Michigan
I have heard that using a old scrap tire in between the tow vehicle and the stuck vehicle will give it twice the pulling power than just a chain alone. A mechanic I work with told be this. He said he pulled 3 chevy lifted boggers out after watching them all atempt to try and get each other out.


SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
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Unstuck...............finally!!! What happened to West Texas being dry? :dunno We pulled a travel trailer and a 16' utility trailer in. The ruts we were making on the freshly graded road were soo deep the trailers were just dragin high center on the axles. The mud got so thick and sticky our trucks wouldn't steer at times. Need to make a turn and keep going straight into the mesqute bushes. -mad

Got to one BIG hole with no way around. My truck went first......tires found bottom and with the engine screeming I was able to get the truck and tt through. The 3/4 to chebby with the utility trailer was next but he got stuck which was strange since he was a whole lot lighter than I was. We pulled out the chains, found a semi hard spot on the back of the tt I was draging and pulled him out.



SDD Junior Member
Apr 14, 2006
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Wow. Good stories. All I can say is when I get my truck the first thing on it is new bumbers and a giant 12,000 lb. winch.


Full Access Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Silsbee, Tx
I went out with a buddy of mine to just about the only place out here on the island to fo wheelin'. There is a good but of mud everywhere but there is rok underneath so getting stuck usually isn't a problem. He was in his 4x4 F-150 and I had a '91 Ram Charger that I bought just for wheelin'. He got stuck in the "sippy hole" and by stick I mean he just couldn't get unough grip or speen to get out of it. The rock was too slick.

No problem, I'll just get out the tow straps and pull him out. I back over to the edge but was at a bad angle so decided to staighten it out. My 33's were completely coated with mud and there was no suck thing as steering and before I had a change to gas it, the front right wheel was hanging over a rut. No lockers didn't help the situation. So back to trying to get his truck out with no luck.

"We have to call somebody", but who. Most people out here just have island beaters or cars. "Hang on" I said, "I'll call Stewie, he's got a 4x4" "Yeah but its Monday night and you won't be able to pry him out of the house bacause wresting is on". That's right, count on an officer to be there. :roflmao Well after some begging he finally said he would come out.

He only had regular street tires so it was a little risky to get him too far into the mud so we doubled up on the tow straps and told him to just keep jerking on my truck with his. I though I was going to tip mine over but we got it just enough to where I was able to back it off just a bit. Then Wayne said, "Just gun it and try to shoot across the rut." Those are famous last words a a fool but I figured we didn't have much of a choice. I worked out, really bumpy but at least I had the ol' seat belt on.

We nearly ripped the bumper off of the Ford trying to get it out bud had no luck. Even went out the next day to try with no success. The locals has ripped out the radio and torn up the insides during the night. It took a wrecker to finally get the Ford out but on the bright side, the BFG all terrain that got ripped to hell was covered under the road hazard insurance he bought.:thumbs

This is the same hole but different truck of course. Back there on the left...that ruts that go into the background.



Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Another one, but not stuck in the mud: One of my distant cousins was doing some bushhogging near a pond with his almost new Ford 5600 tractor. He stopped for a bit to walk approximately 600 ft home to get some water and left the tractor idling. When he got back to the tractor, it was gone. He looked into the pond and saw nothing but the exhaust pipe sticking out of the water. He called the Ford tractor dealer where he bought it and had them to pull it out, take it to the shop to get it repaired. While they were working on it, he found a brand new one that he liked and brought home a new tractor. He was pretty ticked off and embarrassed about it all, but laughed about it later.


SDD STAFF/Moderator
Apr 6, 2005
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LOL...........first day I had my tractor I thought it would be a good idea to clean up around the pond while the water level was down.

Not a good idea.............got er stuck and my then F150 would not pull it out. Middle of August and I was in heat stroke before I quit and called a wrecker.

Best $40.00 I ever spent.


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