I went out with a buddy of mine to just about the only place out here on the island to fo wheelin'. There is a good but of mud everywhere but there is rok underneath so getting stuck usually isn't a problem. He was in his 4x4 F-150 and I had a '91 Ram Charger that I bought just for wheelin'. He got stuck in the "sippy hole" and by stick I mean he just couldn't get unough grip or speen to get out of it. The rock was too slick.
No problem, I'll just get out the tow straps and pull him out. I back over to the edge but was at a bad angle so decided to staighten it out. My 33's were completely coated with mud and there was no suck thing as steering and before I had a change to gas it, the front right wheel was hanging over a rut. No lockers didn't help the situation. So back to trying to get his truck out with no luck.
"We have to call somebody", but who. Most people out here just have island beaters or cars. "Hang on" I said, "I'll call Stewie, he's got a 4x4" "Yeah but its Monday night and you won't be able to pry him out of the house bacause wresting is on". That's right, count on an officer to be there.

Well after some begging he finally said he would come out.
He only had regular street tires so it was a little risky to get him too far into the mud so we doubled up on the tow straps and told him to just keep jerking on my truck with his. I though I was going to tip mine over but we got it just enough to where I was able to back it off just a bit. Then Wayne said, "Just gun it and try to shoot across the rut." Those are famous last words a a fool but I figured we didn't have much of a choice. I worked out, really bumpy but at least I had the ol' seat belt on.
We nearly ripped the bumper off of the Ford trying to get it out bud had no luck. Even went out the next day to try with no success. The locals has ripped out the radio and torn up the insides during the night. It took a wrecker to finally get the Ford out but on the bright side, the BFG all terrain that got ripped to hell was covered under the road hazard insurance he bought.
This is the same hole but different truck of course. Back there on the left...that ruts that go into the background.