dpantazis said:
you are doing the the right thing! think of all the wife/MIL cred you will get for this. btw: i dont have this disease, yet. MIL closer will hopefully get you more help arournd the house to go hunting.
And no whining about me leaving, either, 'cause all I have to do is remind them....
elk hunting: sounds like WA is doing some heavy duty management.
Yeah, Washington has the problem of having WAAAAAYYY too many people in the field every year, so they have restricted takes via shortening seasons, putting antler restrictions on deer and elk (you can only shoot a 3-point or bigger deer [thats a 6-point to you boys down south and back east], and where I hunt elk, it is SPIKE bull only. That is why getting an elk is so difficult. How many spikes do you think make it past opening day??? Imagine, for a minute, having to COUNT antler points on a muley at 300 yards with a set of binoculars when you are breathing hard from working your way in and out of the deepest breaks in the state. Imagine the fear and trepidation pulling the trigger even when you are SURE, because at 300 yards, how sure can you really be? I put a deer down two years ago, walked up on it and IT WAS A 2-POINT!!! I almost puked, untl I rolled him over and saw that he had a third point on the other side, making him a legal buck...
The worst part is that because of the short season, EVERYBODY hits the field at the same time, so if you don't pick your spot carefully, (ie, you go hunt PUBLIC LAND) you're standing shoulder to shoulder with ten other hunting parties. That is why I spend so much time running around my hunting areas, networking with farmers, giving them fresh and smoked salmon, jerky, sausage from last year's harvest. Sucking up to get that coveted written permission slip so i can go where no other man can and have a decent, quiet hunt.
The other thing is that my family owns about 10,000 acres on the snake river breaks near Clarkston, and we have direct, written permission access to all the neighbor's land in the same area. They keep the numbers of hunters down to pretty much locals.
any chance of a lottery for unclaimed/unfilled tags.
They have lottery drawings for doe and cow permits, and also lottery drawings for "Big Bull" permits, so you can shoot a big bull instead of a spike only. However, they issue 8 big bull permits a year in my GMU (Game Maangement Unit) and there are ususally 3 thousand plus applicants. So basically, if you draw this permit, you'd better LIVE AND BREATHE big bull, or you have wasted a once in a lifetime chance.
what about idahoe? the boys up there should be some help.
That they are, and I use them often, but out-of-state permits for deer costs $350, and for elk costs $450, so it is not cheap...
in general, welcome to my world- come fall, i am trying to find way to get more time off to go and play. right now, the salmon run is winding down. duck season just started and pheasants are a couple of weeks away.
Ahhh, a man of my own heart....
put that GSP to work- eastern WA and oregon have good bird- pheasant hunting. respectable at lease.
Respectable my aching arse! More like WORLD CLASS!!! Last year, Dutchess and I single handedly brought down 27 pheasants, 3 geese, and god only knows how many ducks, quail, chukar, hun, and grouse she brought to me. All within an hours drive from home... THAT season lasts plenty long. October 14th through January 16th. (That was her first season, she was 8 months old. I trained her myself. Talk about proud papa!!!)
if all else fails, throw up your arms and scream! head west to ND/SD for some fun. disappear for a couple of weeks.
I was thinking about maybe heading Montana way this year. Have a friend up around Havre with 20,000 acres. Big Bulls, Bucks, and birds galore...