Full Access Member
Yep and I'm tossing all that cool emission stuff for a full spartan kit to get back some mileage. It'll look real pretty on my wall of shame and breakage.
Part of the reason that the EPA is getting so silly with the regulations is that they are trying to mandate the trucks out of existence. If it is tougher and tougher to get big trucks that meet the guidelines, it will be less likely that they will be able to manufacture them at a sustainable cost, thus, more people will buy smaller cars.
Of course, this does not take into account the people that actually use the trucks to tow on a regular basis, and use them the way they were originally designed.
Government Conspiracy? Now you're speaking my language..
the "people that tow on a regular basis" are an endangered species as well.
Camping out of a 5th wheel?
they want you camping out of a tent and burying your poop like a cat..
Horses? You inhumane monster.. making a poor animal drag you around on it's back (note that horses are NOT mandated to bury THEIR poop).
Race car? Waste of resources and contributon to smog, ozone depletion and global warming.
Live on a farm? You should be ashamed of youself for keeping your animals enslaved in order to propogate the falsehood humans need cow's milk and beef to survive.. Double curse you if you de-beak chickens..
Get ready for about 8 years of complete hippie-dom...
from what I've heard, all you really need to do is gut the DPF..
the new engine is going to be urea injected, so the exhaust (I hope) will be less restrictive...
I knew you older guys were a little tetched, but licking the tailpipe of an RV is a new one one me...i know in our rv the 8.3 has never emitted smoke and the exhaust smells like propane mixed with eggswith a weird sweet taste
and is HOT HOT HOT the chrome tailpipe is turning colors