$$$ White Milk & Chocolate Milk $$$


Stock? Pfft!
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
the price of milk is too low...unless you have at least 200 head around these parts. thats why all the dairy barns, including the one i worked, are giving it up, or losing it all. i have no problem paying more for milk and bread, as long as it came from home (usa) because i have seen first hand how hard the governed prices are on the small guys.

Both of my grandfathers milked about 100 head. My parent's neighbor currently milks 175 and went to the bank to increase to 350. The bank denied him and said build to support 500+ or no money. The farmer I worked for as a kid is going to retire after next summer and lease his land to the big guy who is milking 2000. Milking cows is now very factory like.



Nov 8, 2005
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under the cheddar curtain
zookie- right on! the dairy farmer is getting hosed by the dairy who is raping the profits out of milk. go figure as they price protections to hide behind. its almost as obscene as the oil industry.

consider that agri-business is a CLOSED market. farmers can only sell to a small number of processors. a farmer CAN NOT directly sell his product to an overseas buyers. its ILLEGAL!

if i make widgets, and i get a buyer from china or england, as long as i am not selling state secrets, there are few, if any restrictions for me to sell directly overseas. a farmer can not sell his product to an overseas buyer.

there is 20-30% WASTE in the handling of products from the farmer's fields to when it get to you table.

american beef: something like 95% of it gets EXPORTED overseas because they can get more money for american corn fed beef to europe and japan. frighteningly, we turn around an import cheaper beef from south america. do you think the ground meat at mcdonalds or such places is american?

there has to be an end to the subsidized agri business market. and before you retort with some city folk comment, i have lived on both sides of the table.

i can;t comment on how good life is down south- sounds pretty nice compared to life up north where we struggle to watch out pennies nickels and dimes.



Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Mesa, Arizona
Milk is not as healthy as most people think.

I think that there is an agenda there somewhere. But I could be wrong.

And now after thinking about it for a bit... I am certain that cows that are handmilked probably do have a lot of the bad stuff, such as fecal matter, etc in it. Modern dairy farms are VERY careful to sanitize the udders and machinery after every cow to preserve quality. They are also careful aboiut cross contamination and every load of milk is tested before it is processed.

I used to work at a dairy for about 6 years on the processing end of it.
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Stock? Pfft!
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
I think that there is an agenda there somewhere. But I could be wrong.

And now after thinking about it for a bit... I am certain that cows that are handmilked probably do have a lot of the bad stuff, such as fecal matter, etc in it. Modern dairy farms are VERY careful to sanitize the udders and machinery after every cow to preserve quality. They are also careful aboiut cross contamination and every load of milk is tested before it is processed.

I used to work at a dairy for about 6 years on the processing end of it.

I think he is saying that milk itself is not that healthy, like stated earlier, humans are the only critter that consume milk through adulthood. Milk is high in fat and many adults have lactose alergies that develope during adolesence. However, milk is also a good way to get protein if you do not consume a lot of meat. As far as obtaining and processing, pastuerization should get rid of anything bad.

This is another case where the little guy gets it in the end and unfortunately the farmers are paying high prices for fuel and still getting paid the same for the milk they produce.



Diesel Dork
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
central WI
I don't think I better jump into this one :innocent

Edit: our family of 7 drinks 2-3 gallons of unpasteurized, grass-fed, certified organic milk every day (from our own farm)

Dad has begun selling (yes legally) unpasteurized milk directly to consumers, it is becoming a HUGE market

My biggest customer in the repair business is a 1200 cow dairy, and I might not want to drink the milk from the place

So I guess I enjoy both ends of it :D

wait a minute, I wasn't going to say anything...
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ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score

the dairy biz is a big scam. its another poor business model that lasted into this century. its almost as bad as the oil industry.

dairy farmers sell the milk by weight. iirc, its about $15/100#, or about about 1.80/gallon. Royboy can correct my pricing.

then the dairy strips the whole milk or all the cream butter fat.

they then sell us the butter at $4/lb. the milk, devoid of its goodness at $3.50/gal. then throw in the boutique creameries that package it in glass bottles, etc... and its sickening!


so what makes it a poor business model?

shaft the producer

break down the product into it's ingredients

sell the ingredients individually

make more money

You'll notice, however, that the price increases directly follow the price of oil/fuel/gasoline with a certian lag time...

I'm tellin you guys... it's the Illuminati...

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