What was the furthest you've ever gone----


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Da U.P.

We tried and were kinda excited about going.
But our plans were torpedoed.

What was funny(?) was after landing early, sitting on the taxiway, missing our appointment time, having to wait for all the people that were now ahead of us and sitting in a chair with a blood pressure thing on my arm for over 10 minutes while the gal was BS'ing on the phone in spanish with someone---
When she finally gets around to checking my blood pressure, she said geee, it looks like your blood pressure is a little high.
DA, ya think???:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Da U.P.
TG, when do you start the new job?

Don't know. The next thing on the agenda is for the Chicago test results to come back. The only unusual thing they may find in excessive amounts will be caffine. :coffee So as far as I'm concerned, it's just a formality.

But the first thing I'll have to do when I do start the job, is some orientation & training. Once I resume school on this next Monday, I'll be in class Monday thru Friday until the end of April. So that kinda shoots in the ass any chance of orientation & training until the end of April. I'm hoping to have my FAA A&P certificate by Memorial Day. So by the time I anticipate starting to turn wrenches or handling a paint gun as a repairman, I may already have my A&P "license". Soon after I get my A&P, they'll want to send me off to Dallas for 5 weeks of A&P training on the Embraer Regional Jets that I'll be working on like this ERJ145.
View attachment 11463

If history is any indication, they move rather slowly to start people once they hire someone. One of my classmates got interviewed mid-October 2009. He didn't make the trip to Chicago until Thanksgiving week and didn't start work until the week after New Years. Everything was driven by when classes were out for a break. If I were to start sooner, then somebody will have to come in evenings to orient & train us after school each day. I don't expect that to happen.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Cora, Wy

Pert near cost me a job...

Long story, Reader's Digest version goes like this......................

I was planning on leaving work at noon one day as I was scheduled for laser eye surgery in Denver first thing the following morning....

So I am getting ready to leave work and boss says to me "hey, before you leave everybody in the plant is getting piss tested, go to admin first"

Well its a 90 mile drive home and I had JUST emptied the bladder prior to him telling me that. So I go to admin and follow the line to the piss sampler and fill out the required paperwork and sit and wait for my turn to fill the cup.

My turn comes and I go in the bathroom and pull Mr Winkie out and stand there, and stand there and stand there (well, you git the gist) and then I start to jump and wiggle and all the sudden a knock comes on the door and the piss recipient says.."is there a problem?" and I say "yeah, the well is DRY!!" he says "well, then we'll catch ya later!" I say "cool, catch ya later" and I proceed to leave and go home....

Five hrs later as I am approaching Cheyenne I get a call on my cell from the boss and he say's "dude, where are you and more importantly where is your piss?" I say "I am almost to Cheyenne and my piss is right in my bladder!!" He says, "you need to piss in a cup TODAY or we are going to fire you, we have paperwork here and no sample to accompany it and that constitutes grounds for refusal to submit which equals dismissal!"

I've got my wife, her father and his wife (who was accompanying us to serve as our return drivers) in the car and tell them we gotta turn it around and drive back so I can whiz in a cup for these jackwagons I work for.

Long story short, I drove from the center of Wyoming to Casper, to Cheyenne then to Rawlins then to Muddy Gap then on into Riverton at about 11 oclock at night to meet the Dr in his hotel room so I could take a leak and then got back on the road to head to Denver so I could make my eye appt which was scheduled for 7 am the next morning.

Pull up a map and look at the ground I covered in one night just to piss in a cup to keep a job I hated.

I dont work for them anymore, they are far more sorry I am gone than I am.;tu


ursus combibo
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Soon after I get my A&P, they'll want to send me off to Dallas for 5 weeks of A&P training on the Embraer Regional Jets that I'll be working on like this ERJ145.
View attachment 11463

Them Embraers scoot. Long story short, Continental put me on American from Cleveland to Chicago, on an MD80, then back to Kalamazoo on the regional jet.. was 15 minutes from the time we lifted off the runway at O'Hare to the time I walked in the terminal at Kalamazoo.. had to wait longer for my wife to make the drive to the airport than the flight took.


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
my brother used to fly Embraer 120 brasilaia's and they were known as bra-kill-ya's and were evidently job security for maintenance so much so that when they changed to regional jets they went over to Canada Air Jets.

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