how exactly do you multi-quote a reply?
the Illuminati is a group of super-rich, super-secret, super-powerful individuals from all over the globe, that secretly set an agenda to manipulate the world's economy for their own end.. in America, you must be a member of the Skull & Bones to be an Illuminati, but not all Skull & Bones members ARE Illuminati (#41
IS because he used to be head of the CIA, Dubbya is not, because he's a weinie)
I keep bringing it up so you think I'm a right-wing conspiracy-theorist nut-job. That works for me (and increases the ratings)
And you're right.
I mis-spoke myself on the refining.
The products come from different levels of the cracking tower.
The additives comment, however, comes from an employee of Ashland Petroleum
And it's not so much the fact that "we" bought PSD's & Dura-trash trucks, but as you said, as the economies in China, India and Southeast Asia basically emerge from the Stone-Age to the 21st Century in a matter of like 30 years, guess what they're buying?
And you have a lot of farmers (at least around here) taking hay or fallow fields and planting them in soybeans & corn, which takes more fuel; Turning these fields over, rather than a simple rotation of corn to beans to wheat
so we have everything working against us, and nothing for us at the moment.
The Democrats want to tax the oil company's windfall profits (as a punishment for making money), which is probably the absolutely worst idea I can think of right now. Where the heck do you think those profits go, anyway? Sure, you pay your investors dividends, because that's how you get them to invest in your company in the first place.
Oil company profits go right back into the ground.
Think about it for a minute. If you make a scad-zillion dollars drilling for oil, wouldn't you want to make a scad-zillion and twenty by selling more?
These guys are drilling as much and as hard as they can, and doing whatever they can to extend the life of existing fields to SELL MORE PRODUCT.
Business 101. You can't make
any money if you don't sell
any product.