Binford 6100 Owner
Cause they can. I have a friend that has a son that just filed bankruptcy. Independent trucker for the past 25 years and the whole fuel thing has cost him everything. Lost his truck, trailers and may loose his house before its over.
First people are losing their houses left and right because of greedy crooked loan sharks and now businesses are going belly up because these guys won't allow us to drill on our own soil. I know this sounds anti American but, sometimes I wonder if we would have been better off if the World Trade Center was spared and the Congress and Senate would have been wiped out. These butt holes aren't doing ANYTHING to help the situation (unless you are a stockholder in oil). Saudi Arabia can pump oil for $2.00 a barrel, supposedly there is an oil field in Canada that is Second only to Saudi Arabia in reserves but it cost $15.00 a barrel to pump so they won't drill. Then there is Alaska, off the coast of North Carolina, off the coast of Florida where there are large reserves, but we can't drill there because of environmental issues. I'm sorry but with the cost of oil today I think there is plenty of money there to pump it out of the ground and solve the problems of environmental impact as well as pump from the more difficult places. These problems can be solved if they wanted to tackle them but it seems that nobody wants to. If I was any one of the Presidential candidates right now I think that suggesting to Iraq that we will continue to help them establish a peaceful government if they pay us back by giving us a sizeable amount of oil to offset our investment would be a great start. Hell, call it a trade agreement. I just want to see somebody make a effort!