I feel the need to throw my
First off the Moss/Magnuson warranty act is a joke and will always will be, and this is why. Suppose your tranny takes a dump on a vehicle that is still under warranty. You have it towed to the dealer and they see gauges, big tires, a trailer ball (it really doesn't matter), but for whatever the reason, they deny your warranty repair. So what is your next move? Call the police and say the dealership is in violation of the Moss/Magnuson law? Yea, right!!
The only recourse you have is to hire a lawyer and go to court. Ford, Dodge, GM, whoever, has 100 times as many lawyers than you could ever hope to afford. And their only reason for living is to make it as expensive as possible for you to win your case. And they are banking on the plaintiff giving up due to legal costs long before it goes to the jury. It'll cost you many times more in legal fees than the cost of the transmission repair to begin with.
Secondly, if a service manager says "we're not going to perform warranty repairs on your vehicle because we don't like the gauges and seat covers you put in it", I don't think waiving a Moss/Magnuson threat is in your best interest. Do you really want them to work on your truck after you've made such a threat? Myself, I wouldn't trust such a dealership to do even a half assed job or even go within a 100' of my truck.
The best thing you can do is just leave and find another dealer that will treat you fairly and squarely.
Like I said, just my