Busy day with the PSD and a long list of things done today.
1. Filled 'er up with 30.780 gallons of 15ppm Diesel (in a 29 gal. tank) $80.00
2. Added 9oz. of bio-additive
3. Drained the oil with my handy dandy Fumoto valve (smartest mod out there)
4. Drained the Crank Case Ventilation Canister while under the truck.
5. Added 1 quart of Lucal Synthetic Oil Stabilizer (Big Joe said to go ahead & use it

6. Added 13 quarts of Ford MotorCraft Oil for PowerStroke Diesels (15W40)
I even got the use the funnel that I found on the road a couple days ago.
7. Changed the air filter.
8. Greased the front-end.
Enjoyed every minute of it