certified nutjob
as most yall know my girlfriend of 8 years left me.she kept me thinking she was comeing back up to the day she told me she found somebody else.ive stopped all contact with her im over it and moveing on myself.
due to that,financial and personael issues i am selling my home and going back to my parents house till my home sells and i can find an apartment or another house i can afford.there are too many memories in this place.some good,some bad but i dont want them anymore.i have a realtor comeing saturday to look at it and bring the paperwork.i told her i want it gone ASAP.she asked some questions about it then asked what i was trying to get for it.i know some of the trailers here wereselling/sold from 80,000 to more than 100,000.i told her get me 65,000 and ill be happy.should be a quick sale at that price.
my mom is very sick.she has severe pancreatitus(SP?) and a form of cancer.the doctor wouldnt tell her wich cancer she had cuz my sister was there.he wants her to be by herself when he tells her.she has a good feeling that its the worse one.if thats what it is she has 3 months to mabey a year left.so maybe living there with her for a few months will help keep her alive a little longer.i went to see her yesterday.she was mad at me and crying cuz i havent been there in about a week.i got somewhat a job and just havent had a chance to get up there.and the few times that i did go she was sleeping and i didnt want to bother her.
i am in the process of changing my whole life around.i was doing good too.now my mom tells me that.i think the doctor im seeing has me on the right meds to control my mood swings and temper.im much calmer now,dont get super mad as much/quick as i used too.im trying not o let things bother me or get in the way of me gettin my life straightened out.my superduty decided to burn up the wireing under the dash damn near caught fire.but im not letting that truck get in my way.it will sit right where it is if thats what its gonna do.same with my dually,if that decides to get in the way ill let that sit where ever it dies.im not gonna give in to this crap anymore.the ex was getting in the way.i wasted my whole summer on her.now im glad she is gone.i realised how much better i feel without her.i also realised that alot of the problems we had werent all my fault,alot of it was her fault.i will find another girl that will appreciate me better than she ever did!
i guess thats enough rambling for now.so if i dont come here for a while you will know why.i consider you guys as very good friends and some (well most) of you as family.but i will be back.im gonna get the cable internet at my moms house,just dont know when everything will be back together when i get there.
thanx for being such great friends/family.
due to that,financial and personael issues i am selling my home and going back to my parents house till my home sells and i can find an apartment or another house i can afford.there are too many memories in this place.some good,some bad but i dont want them anymore.i have a realtor comeing saturday to look at it and bring the paperwork.i told her i want it gone ASAP.she asked some questions about it then asked what i was trying to get for it.i know some of the trailers here wereselling/sold from 80,000 to more than 100,000.i told her get me 65,000 and ill be happy.should be a quick sale at that price.
my mom is very sick.she has severe pancreatitus(SP?) and a form of cancer.the doctor wouldnt tell her wich cancer she had cuz my sister was there.he wants her to be by herself when he tells her.she has a good feeling that its the worse one.if thats what it is she has 3 months to mabey a year left.so maybe living there with her for a few months will help keep her alive a little longer.i went to see her yesterday.she was mad at me and crying cuz i havent been there in about a week.i got somewhat a job and just havent had a chance to get up there.and the few times that i did go she was sleeping and i didnt want to bother her.
i am in the process of changing my whole life around.i was doing good too.now my mom tells me that.i think the doctor im seeing has me on the right meds to control my mood swings and temper.im much calmer now,dont get super mad as much/quick as i used too.im trying not o let things bother me or get in the way of me gettin my life straightened out.my superduty decided to burn up the wireing under the dash damn near caught fire.but im not letting that truck get in my way.it will sit right where it is if thats what its gonna do.same with my dually,if that decides to get in the way ill let that sit where ever it dies.im not gonna give in to this crap anymore.the ex was getting in the way.i wasted my whole summer on her.now im glad she is gone.i realised how much better i feel without her.i also realised that alot of the problems we had werent all my fault,alot of it was her fault.i will find another girl that will appreciate me better than she ever did!

i guess thats enough rambling for now.so if i dont come here for a while you will know why.i consider you guys as very good friends and some (well most) of you as family.but i will be back.im gonna get the cable internet at my moms house,just dont know when everything will be back together when i get there.
thanx for being such great friends/family.