I'll throw my

in and say that it sounds like a driveshaft balance issue.
When you get to your indicated 75 mph, the driveshaft rpm is at an out of balance harmonic. If you're faster or slower than that, the vibration is not evident. But get right at that sweet spot, and it bucks like a mule.
To use an analogy, ever hear the washing machine go into the spin cycle with an out of balance load? Initially it shakes like a muther. But as the rpm increases, the vibration subsides.
Everything there is, has a certain harmonic frequency. In school, I learned that in some aircraft, sometimes the problem is bad enough, you can't operate the engine at a certain specified RPM. At that RPM the engine sets up a harmonic vibration that will do nasty things to your aircraft. You can accelerate past that RPM or slow down past it, but you can't operate the engine continously at the specified RPM.