Stone Crusher
Another place to check is the tranny cross member. Sometimes the exhaust pipe will rest against it.
l'll have to check all of these spots for rubbing the exhaust. The old girl made it 1200 miles to Richmond MO to visit family! The vibration noise was not really there after 72 MPH! We are having snow today so we will have a white Christmas again this year! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
rather than starting another thread, I'll just piggyback on this one.
I've got a vibration that comes like clockwork at 2500rpm's and above, regardless of load, chip setting, speed, road conditions etc.
Here is what I have done in an attempt to alleviate the problem (some of it was done for other reasons than the vibration).
1. All injectors have been replaced (they needed to be, and this eliminates it being a miss in the motor)
2. Driveshaft has been rebuilt (new u joints, carrier bearing, and high speed balanced)
3. Got under there and saw the exhaust was rubbing the crossmemeber (for sure thought that was the problem) and tweaked it all to get to to clear.
4. Also saw that the exhaust was too close to the heat shield...couldnt tweak it enough, so i just trimmed the shield to get it to clear.
I cant tell where else the exhaust could be rubbing....what else could this be? It's driving me nuts...
I can feel it more than hear it. Seems to be coming more from the rear of the maybe back seat or behind?
When you get to it.. along with whats been mentioned.. you could also check your I/C pipes.. on the drivers side, wiggle it a bit... yul be able to find/feel where it might be touching something.
On the passenger side.. it can tend to hit/rub on the A/C dryer bracket.
Again.. the contact can happen when the engine torques over.
Might be time for New I/C boots... they tend to get soft & saggy.. with time & miles ?
Have a good Holiday.
I just got my 6.0 intercooler this evening!!!! It is new in the original box from Ford for $400 DELIVERED!!! I have all the Boots for the top of engine and the 6.0 to 7.3 IC boots from Dieselsite. I will be able to see if the vibration noise is from the IC boots tomorrow. It vibrates now sometimes at idle. I hope changing all the boots and the Intercooler fixes the vibration noise its driving me NUTS!If not Ill at least have alot more cool air which is never a bad thing! Ill keep you guys posted!