Turbo failures due to aftermarket exhaust


SDD Senior Member
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Ukiah, California
I have 71,000 miles on my '04 without any turbo work. I had an EPB sensor changed at 49,000 and that is it.



Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Cranberry Twp,PA
Well certainly SOMETHING UPstream of the turbo is causing the
coking...are you idling the truck any ?

As a ref. ive got 50k on mine and NEVER had a turbo replaced,
repaired or worked on...surely im not unique.

youre getting 4000 miles out of a turbo...i say NO WAY theres
either something else wrong OR the dealership hasnt take the time
to properly diagnose your problems.

surely w/ such frequent replacement of the same part (everytime)
someone has to scratch their head and go hummmm..."maybe its
not the turbo after all...hummm i wonder what it could be..."

my suggestion is that you need to find a different dealer...cause
the one you have now isnt fixing the truck.

theres a great article about 6.0L vari-vane turbo charger
reconditioning...more importantly (for most) it shows exactly
how the turbo vanes work... READ HERE

I barely ever idle my truck, I usually get in, start it, wait for about 5-10 seconds, and drive away. Before the original turbo went bad, they changed the EBP sensor, and the VGT actuator. That helped for awhile, but it soon went on to changing out the turbo. When you say it could be something upstream of the turbo, what else could it be? The dealership is owned by a good friend of mine, so going to a different dealer would almost be a last resort. Any other suggestions as to what the true problem may be? Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!


wuts bio-diesel?
Dec 12, 2006
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santa barbara
i had the same problem on my 04 harley 6.0m I went through 4 turbos as well now on my 5th and havent had any problems yet!...who knows...


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
I barely ever idle my truck, I usually get in, start it, wait for about 5-10 seconds, and drive away. Before the original turbo went bad, they changed the EBP sensor, and the VGT actuator. That helped for awhile, but it soon went on to changing out the turbo. When you say it could be something upstream of the turbo, what else could it be? The dealership is owned by a good friend of mine, so going to a different dealer would almost be a last resort. Any other suggestions as to what the true problem may be? Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!

i love it when the dealers (and ford) start to point to the fuel...excuses.
either that or theyre trying to sell their additives.

not knowing the truck or the codes that its throwing its hard to diagnose
the problem...are you using oil ? has anyone tested for Co2 in the
coolant ?

coking could be caused by cooled (or oily) exhaust/soot...

as for another dealer...seem like your "friend" would be stepping in
to make SURE your warrenty was never denied...in the end youre
truck isnt running right...friend or no friend youre the one w/ the
ill running truck.

Buffs F-350

Full Access Member
Jan 18, 2007
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New Jersey U.S.A
your blatantly INNACCURATE comments couldnt be more wrong...
theres NOTHING wrong w/ the variable vane turbo...there are MANY
around here that have NEVER had a turbo replaced.

feel free to back up your posts w/ REAL data.

now for some helpful comments...
find a different dealer...there just isnt enough moving parts inside
a turbo that would require FOUR replacements...youre dealing w/
a dealership & tech(s) that arent properly isolating the problem...

I can agree that most people have no probem with the variable turbo (I have 25,000 miles and no prolems). I Have to say comments ARE NOT innacurate There are enuff recorded prolems with veins and selonoid all you have to do is read the link you posted. My friends 05 f250 with 16000 miles had vein break off and two different dealers could not find it. I do agree that four turbos is crazy that is why I sugested an oiling problem and asked what is going bad in the turbo. Both BD and ATS have developed replacement tubos to cure these problems. I am curently reserching them for my truck and will gladly share any data When I am shure I have enuff.I would agree that you need to find a different dealer.


SDD Junior Member
Aug 13, 2006
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new york, gardiner
couldn,t help not responding to the warranty issue .yesterday while getting my oil changed at the dealer [ford].I had the accufab elbow on the front floor of the truck service manager came over to me and said if you install that I will void your warranty I mention I wanted to put stainless 304 cat back exhaust and his response was if you even change the air filter I will void your warranty .first ford in thirty years and if this is true about fords policy .I,LL be back at chev for another duramax no wonder there in pinch.they screwed me thirty years ago and I guess things never change.


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
couldn,t help not responding to the warranty issue .yesterday while getting my oil changed at the dealer [ford].I had the accufab elbow on the front floor of the truck service manager came over to me and said if you install that I will void your warranty I mention I wanted to put stainless 304 cat back exhaust and his response was if you even change the air filter I will void your warranty .first ford in thirty years and if this is true about fords policy .I,LL be back at chev for another duramax no wonder there in pinch.they screwed me thirty years ago and I guess things never change.

find another dealer ! one that actually understands how the truck works !


SDD Super Mod/Staff
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
Alabama The Beautiful
there are some service managers out there that are just plain goobs.

the ford dealer i use, will actually do the MODS for you if you want them too.

i have modded my truck alot, and never had the first problem with the local dealer.

so i would say, that the "warranty void" thing, depends on the dealer themselves.


Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Rowlett, Texas
-mad Ford is blaming my ongoing turbo failure's on my MBRP Cool Duals. I tried to start the DSB thru my dealer. When the dealer talked to Ford, and told them about my truck going thru 4 turbo's, the first thing the "Powerstroke Engineer" asked him was if I had an aftermarket exhaust.:eek: :cussing: I calmly told the friendly dealer person that I had the first 2, of 4, turbo's go bad when the truck was bone stock! So, I'll keep you all posted as to what happens.

The best way to handle an "Umbrella" denial (the Exhaust) is to call up the service department, tell them what truck you have and ask how much to install the exhaust system you have (to see if they will). If they will install it without voiding the warranty, then you have your ammo. If they won't then call another dealership that will and take your business to them. What I see on my X is, if they install it, then it is OK, if you install it, then it is not OK.

Good Luck,


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
I can agree that most people have no probem with the variable turbo (I have 25,000 miles and no prolems). I Have to say comments ARE NOT innacurate There are enuff recorded prolems with veins and selonoid all you have to do is read the link you posted. My friends 05 f250 with 16000 miles had vein break off and two different dealers could not find it. I do agree that four turbos is crazy that is why I sugested an oiling problem and asked what is going bad in the turbo. Both BD and ATS have developed replacement tubos to cure these problems. I am curently reserching them for my truck and will gladly share any data When I am shure I have enuff.I would agree that you need to find a different dealer.

ill agree there have been isolated problems...there are far MORE trucks
RUNNING on the road that have never had a turbo issue than those that
have...why some vanes stick and others dont i cant tell you...but
rip & replace w/out proper diagnose is NOT a legit way to repair...and
thats OBVIOUS when someone goes thru 4 turbos in 18k miles.

i dont consider solenoid failures to be TURBO failures...the solenoid is
a sep. part and can more easily be replaced (and diagnosed) than
the turbo thats for sure.

are these aftermarket turbos (that you mention) vari-vane ? if not
then i wouldnt consider them to be a real solution to the problem,
anyone can pull delete a part...vari vane or not...the problem will
still exist.

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