I couldn't get it running yesterday, but I pulled some codes, truck fired.
p1211 IPR ICP pressure above/below desired Continuous and KOER on-demand test IPR valve failed, stuck, or shorted to ground
p0470 EBP Exhst press sensor ckt malfnct (96 MY) No-start or crank mode Biased sensor, open signal return
I did have the EBP unhooked but I think I got it hooked back up, it keep coming back every time we cleared it
p1212 ICP ICP volt not at expected level Crank or KOEO Biased sensor or ckt, open signal rtn, low oil in reservoir
We cleared it and it came back the next time but not after that.
P0603 PCED Powertrain Control Module KAM error No historical faults output during a KOEO test Open PCM pin, disconnected B+, faulty PCM
What do the codes mean? Can I use a icp from a 97 to check my 95? I'm going to try to check my glow plugs and relay. Which plug are the glow plugs in?