Picture #1 is impact damage
The second Marathon, in my 2 in 20 miles deal looked like that JL. The Goodyear rep said when the first one (LF) blew apart from tread separation, it Beat The Hell out of the second one (LR).. when it Blew.. a BIG chunk of tread blew out & off, but not all of the tread. It looked very similar to Dogmans tire Pic.
Hmmmmm.. Memory lane.
The "REST of the Story" ? There we were, on a Sunday, nearest Town.. 40 miles away... On a narrow access to a Farm Field.. cuz the highway had No shoulder.. Now.. with No Spare.
IIRC, it was a Holiday weekend
Called our Good Sam Emergency Road Service. No tire shops open. They were going to send a Low Boy* to pick up the 350 AND 5r.. and take it ALL, to the nearest tire shop, which was 50 miles away. Couldn't do repairs, 'til Monday.
Called a friend who had the same-ish 5r.. 50 miles away (home).. he brought me his spare.. changed it out. CHP shows up.. Calls for Back-up, they Stop traffic (MAJOR, Very Holiday busy, 2 lane Highway), in Both directions, so I can back out.
The rest is History & Home.
NOW THAT'S A GOOD FREIND.. Whadya Think ??
Jus' thought I'd share that chapter of "Big Joe's Big Adventure(s)"

* I've tried, many times.. to picture.. Just How.. that Low Boy loading operation.. woulda gone down. (location, location, location)