taxing oil companies

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
threejacks said:
No necessarilly so. Soy Oil is a by-product derived from the extrusion of soybeans. Millions of tons of soybean meal are used for food products and animal feeds. Soy Oil is what is left form extruding soybeans into soy meal.

The same thing for Ethanol. Ethanol is the by-product of producing corn gluten. Corn gluten is a very good feed product.

As the volume and demand for Soy Oil and Ethanol goes up the price and value of soymeal and corn gluten could accually go down making it a more buyer friendly product.
I used to feed DDG (Dryed distillers grain) to my cattle. I am well aware of it's uses. But none of this makes food to go into people's mouths directly. And none of it solves the problem that we literally do not have enough crop capacity to grow all the ethanol or biodiesel we need, even at 100% commitment of cropland to that end. On top of that, how long can we run our ag lands at full output before we have another dustbowl on our hands? Bio grown from croplands cannot sustain America like it can Brazil. It is comparing apples to oranges. On an acreage to automobile-mile basis, they have us whupped by a margin that I cannot even begin to describe. We need to have a more multi-pronged approach, which includes bio fuels, but also includes speculating within the boundaries of the US (get rid of the NIMBYS), developing more efficient auto engines (even to the point of relaxing emissions regulations for a few years to open the doors to technologies that are currently stagnating because they cannot meet emissions with them without lots of hours of practical use and testing, which they cannot do until they get assurances that the engine will be allowed to be sold and meet emissiins), building more refineries, and DEREGULATING THE GD OIL COMPANIES TO ALLOW COMPETITION! Anyone that starts talking about nationalizing the companies has no clue wha tthey are talking about. It is governemnt meddling that is causing a huge part of the problem to begin with.

For instance, the cost of suppying the 100,000 million gajillion different blends mandated throughout the different areas of different states. Choose one and stick with it.

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