taxing oil companies


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
powerboatr said:
we dont need to drill

we need to GROW our own fuel, BIO is the key, and if you spill it it doesnt kill everything, just cleans em up.:sweet
look at brazil, oh by the way thats where Chevy has its million cars running on ethanol.
I also read somewhere recently that Brazil is 100% "Oil-Free". They are running entirely on ethanol, mainly derived from their sugar crops. Wouldn't the OPEC nations be sh*tting bricks if the US did that???? But then, I'm not holding my breath until it happens. Wouldn't that be a HUGE boost for the farmers!!!!!


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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I sure hope I live to see the day we can shoot the bird at OPEC. They dont see me waving by myself from West TX.

Just watch how fast that part of the world falls apart and screams for our financial help when we say "we just don't think this is working out. We want to break up."


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
Those that can, DO.
Those that can't, TEACH.
Those who are total tools, are called POLITICIANS.


High Tech Hillbilly
Jun 8, 2005
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Sewanee, TN
Tx_Atty said:
I sure hope I live to see the day we can shoot the bird at OPEC. They dont see me waving by myself from West TX.

Just watch how fast that part of the world falls apart and screams for our financial help when we say "we just don't think this is working out. We want to break up."

As Robert said, bio is the way to go.

Remember those old bumper stickers that said
"We can burn our wheat. Let them eat their oil!"?

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
powerboatr said:
we dont need to drill

we need to GROW our own fuel, BIO is the key, and if you spill it it doesnt kill everything, just cleans em up.:sweet
look at brazil, oh by the way thats where Chevy has its million cars running on ethanol.:D

rant over
While i totally support your plan to go bio, the main thing many folks (Bill O'Reilly included, as he is a major touter of the Brazil plan) fail to realize that on an acreage per vehicle basis, Brazil has a huge, insurmountable advantage over us. We can not grow enough ethanol, with every single agricultrual acre (about 465,000,000) devoted solely to that purpose, to keep us running in the way we are running now. Also, if we did that, where would our food come from?

Ethanol can surely supplement our needs, but it will not solve the problem without creating another problem in its place (what would you rather be dependent on, foreign oil, or foreign food? )

The one solution that I see comes in the form of algae. Certain species are as much as 50% oil by volume. They grow best in dry, arid areas (like deserts, for instance) and thrive off of raw sewage. It is estimated that to completely replace all of the oil in America today, that it would only take 2 million acres of sewage lagoons, spread throughout the country (preferrably in dry, arid areas) to grow algae. With present technology, that means that every vehicle in America would eventually need to be replaced with a diesel. :sweet We would all be running biodiesel made from our own crap at a local lagoon. No huge oil spills (biodiesel is biodegradeable, and mostly non-toxic) no large shipping costs (you can spread them throughout the nation) and it solves another problem: What do we do with our sewage? The system is also "carbon neutral" since the CO2 emitted by burning is the same amount used in growing the algae.

Whay haven't we already started this years ago? Because the oil companies own the people in charge.

I'll say it again... THE OIL COMPANIES OWN THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE! Why do you think this windfall tax is the only thing these people can come up with? Because it is the only solution that does not hurt big oil in any way (they just pass the cost on to the consumer, after their customary markups, of course...:rolleyes: ) and still makes them look tough on big oil, and proactive in finding a solution, so they get votes. In the end, they could care less, because the oil companies own every one of them. Why else would the big oil companies be all but immune from anti-trust legislation?

Why haven't we made our sewage lagoons yet? The idea has been around since the '80's? Why haven't we drilled ANWR (which would have virtually no true impact on teh refuge, contrary to what the bomb-throwers in congress would have you think) or off of florida, or in the Gulf? WHy haven't we built new refineries since the 1970's? Why haven't we seen quasitubines, or any of the other HUGE improvements in internal combustion engines that have been around for 15 years (in the QT's case) which could feasibly be getting 35 MPG in a superduty pickup and putting out 400 horsepower to boot? Why hasn't any of this happened? Because we are waiting around for people to solve the problem that are being PAID NOT TO!!! What can we do? I don't know for sure. It sucks in ways i cannot describe.


Shutter Bug
Apr 1, 2005
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I can see the headlines now Hoss......

Poop Shortage.......
With the rising cost of Ex-Lax and Metamucil there is an increasing shortage of poop, leading to rising prices at the poop pump. PNN (poop news network) correspondent Jack Schnit has a report from Washington, home of the largest poop lagoon......Jack


Windfall profit taxes on the oil companies is a no starter, we need more refineries period, we need to make sure the refineries we have now are operating at their capacity as they should be and not at 80%.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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jharvey said:
I can see the headlines now Hoss......

Poop Shortage.......
With the rising cost of Ex-Lax and Metamucil there is an increasing shortage of poop, leading to rising prices at the poop pump. PNN (poop news network) correspondent Jack Schnit has a report from Washington, home of the largest poop lagoon......Jack



:roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :roflmao :sweet

one issue with bio diesel for me is i dont have the space to do it.if it comes from the pump fine but i cant brew it.when both trucks are running i burn almost 300 gallons of fuel a week.i couldnt brew enough or store enough to run both trucks.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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Bush Orders Probe Into Rising Gas Prices

President Bush is expected to announce the investigation on Tuesday in Washington.

Watch Video:
Congress to Order Probe

More Coverage:
· Daily Pulse: Jump at the Pump
· Senators Seek Tax on Big Oil

Talk About It: Post Thoughts

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (April 24) - President Bush is trying to calm Americans' outrage over soaring gas prices by ordering an investigation into whether the price of gasoline has been illegally manipulated, his spokesman said Monday.

During the last few days, Bush asked his Energy and Justice departments to open inquiries into possible cheating in the gasoline markets, said White House press secretary Scott McClellan. Bush planned to announce the action Tuesday during a speech in Washington.

Bush is under pressure to do something about gas prices that have reached nearly $3 a gallon. In a new CNN poll, 69 percent of respondents said gasoline price increases had caused them personal hardship. Other polls suggest that voters favor Democrats over Republicans on the issue, and President Bush gets low marks for handling gas prices.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., urged Bush in a letter Monday to order a federal investigation into any gasoline price gouging or market speculation.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada dispatched his own letter, calling for a multi-pronged approach to restrain gas prices. Among the steps were swift enactment of anti-price gouging legislation, an appeal to oil companies to refrain from further price increases; use of more alternative fuels and increased attention to existing fuel-saving laws and regulations.

Bush was working on the speech aboard Air Force One as he flew home Monday evening from a four-day trip to California that ended with a swing through Las Vegas. McClellan outlined part of the speech to reporters traveling on the plane.

McClellan said Bush also will announce that his attorney general and Federal Trade Commission will send a letter to all 50 state attorneys general, who have primary authority over price gouging, to remind them to stay on top of the issue and offer federal help to do so. And he will call on energy companies to reinvest their profits into expanding refining capacity, developing new technologies and researching alternative energy sources.

"I think you'll hear the president say very clearly that he will not tolerate price gouging," McClellan said.

Bush has consistently said that gas prices are high because global demand is rising faster than global supply and that the problem cannot be solved overnight. McClellan said Bush will talk about how experts predict that the price is expected to increase this summer and how the switch to a summer fuel mix is contributing to the problem.

Bush's actions are part of a four-part plan to address gas prices in the short- and long-term, McClellan said. The steps McClellan outlined are:

· making sure consumers and taxpayers are treated fairly;

· promoting greater fuel efficiency;

· boosting gasoline supply at home;

· aggressive long-term investment in alternative fuels.

04-24-06 23:43 EDT


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
first i heard of poop power, sounds like another very renewable resource.

I agree 100% the politicians dont want change it would cost them $$, in campaign donations and perks.....

but we the peole have to band together and demand change, get the steam roller going and it could be done.:thumbs


Full Access Member
Jun 14, 2005
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South Central , KY
Hoss 350 said:
While i totally support your plan to go bio, the main thing many folks (Bill O'Reilly included, as he is a major touter of the Brazil plan) fail to realize that on an acreage per vehicle basis, Brazil has a huge, insurmountable advantage over us. We can not grow enough ethanol, with every single agricultrual acre (about 465,000,000) devoted solely to that purpose, to keep us running in the way we are running now. Also, if we did that, where would our food come from?

Ethanol can surely supplement our needs, but it will not solve the problem without creating another problem in its place (what would you rather be dependent on, foreign oil, or foreign food? )

No necessarilly so. Soy Oil is a by-product derived from the extrusion of soybeans. Millions of tons of soybean meal are used for food products and animal feeds. Soy Oil is what is left form extruding soybeans into soy meal.

The same thing for Ethanol. Ethanol is the by-product of producing corn gluten. Corn gluten is a very good feed product.

As the volume and demand for Soy Oil and Ethanol goes up the price and value of soymeal and corn gluten could accually go down making it a more buyer friendly product.

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