Hey Ryland,
I gave up on FTE. I tried to help people and get them fixed or modded the way I thought would be the best/cheapest and was constantly getting deleted and edited. They also would not let me even link to tech articles from sites not selling anything to compete with them in any way
I respectfully asked the webmaster how I could link to a couple of repair and tech articles and he immediately got nasty with me. His position is that he is only willing to help people if it puts a dollar in his pocket.
I will never visit that site again. Their rules and the webmaster's attitude will keep me from doing business with anyone who sponsors that site as well.
Rant over, It really pissed me off though. I did not feel I did anything wrong. And his attitude towards a friendly and respectful question was unforgivable.
Makes me appreciate Max Power, 95 Stroker, CHPMustang, etc.
P.S. Here is a copy of the last couple PM"s that went back and forth. I wish I had saved more of them.
I thought this forum was about helping people with problems and modifications?
My staff likes to eat three meals per day, wear shoes, sleep in-doors and provide for their children's needs. Which of them should I fire so you can promote our competitors on our web site?
I did not realize that my few posts had significantly affected your yearly sales projections. I also did not realize that a few links to other websites was jeopardizing one of your associates continuing employment with your company. I was under the (apparently ignorant) impression that if you offer quality products at a competitive price, then you would have few problems in this one facet of running a successful business. I would think that satisfied customers would be singing your praises all across the net. Nor did I imagine that something as innocuous as a technical write up, designed to help people diagnose a problem with their vehicle, would pose such a significant business threat. Apparently strictly because it is on another website.
I apologize for my ignorance. I have run a successful construction company for 15 years now. I currently have 26 employees. 67% of my customers are repeats. I am amazed that I have survived this long in my extremely competitive industry with such an ignorant philosophy. I guess I am just incredibly lucky!
I understand paying for overhead. I also understand keeping people in the dark about their options. I am forced to conclude that this website is only designed to help people as long as helping them puts a dollar in your pocket only. I don't know why I am surprised. Again, I blame my ignorance of successful business practices.
I would like to request that you remove my user name from this websites members directory. Also (if possible), I would like to request that all of my posts be removed from your forums. I do not want any new users aware that I was ever associated with your company or website. Thank you.
I will be forwarding a copy of these PM's to your outside sponsors and informing them that I will refrain from doing business with them as long as they sponsor this website. I will also seize every opportunity to direct people away from your products and website.
T.H. Collins
OK this time it really is over