serious opinions needed


Full Access Member
Jan 19, 2006
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i know i am not in the same industry as you are but i was in the same boat as far as working for some one else my dad is a general contractor growing up as a self employed family and the flexiblity it allows you to have with your family and many other things i finally got tired of working for some one else and used my boss as a pay check while i pulled my license then quit i quit my job bought a house and had a baby all at the same time it was tuff it has taken me about a year to get things some what normal i think if this is your desire to be on your own maybe use the other job as a stepping stone to get where you want to be in life i am only 23 years old my wife is a stay at home wife and helps me in the office side of things hopefully things work out for the best for you good luck


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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just cuz im 2 years older than dont mean jack.i take advise from anybody willing to give it.:thanks

the paveing company has thier own shop so getting thier work in my shop is out of the question.i may take the job.gonna see whati can get for hours at night as they are trying to get a 3rdshift running so maybe i can a few hours a night,who knows maybe shift manager,wich i wont mind as i wont have to do awhole lot of work or be there all the will help keep things floating till my shop gets rocking or i give up on it and just sell everything includeing the towtruck(the 94 F450).

s d mills

Full Access Member
Jan 5, 2006
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When I was your age I'd already walked the same miles in your shoes....but my failures were due to my inability/unwillingness to manage money. Not only was I not able to keep my businesses afloat, the 20-hour days helped me wreck two marriages. I failed in every area of my life. I locked into a decent paying job with a schedule that permitted me to further my education; then, I opted for a job with decent salary and benefits, managed to get my problems with authority under control, and now I'm just a four years away from retirement.

My job isn't the most wonderful job in the world, I could make more money elsewhere, and I'm just impulsive enough still to consider dumping this job and leaping back into that great unknown....I need some adventure in my life. I'm not the happiest person in the world while I'm on the job, but that's tolerable and it would be hard for anyone to find someone happier than I am what time I am away from the job. Someone, somewhere, a long time ago told me that a job isn't necessarily about happiness. Fine if you find that there, but a job's purpose is to pay your bills, provide one with a modicum of financial wherewithal to derive some enjoyment out of life, and hopefully provide one with some reasonable semblance of future financial security. That's the happiness I get from my employment. If a job was meant to be fun it would be called recreation.

I don't know what all I just said, but I hope you can find at least a thread of sense in my words and it's in some way helpful. Good luck and,



Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
94f450sd said:
I don't want to give up my shop as I am making a little money.
You need to do what you want to do. If you make a move that you don't want to make you are not going to be happy with it. I was self employed for 9 years and enjoyed it but I got burned out working 24/7 so I sold out and took a job for wages. I only work 80 hours a week now instead of 120. I now make 50% gross of what I did but I net a little more plus have benefits and retirement. In my situation where I was wanting more spare time to spend with the wife and kids it worked for me but everyones situation is not the same. You have to decide what you can and want to do. If you are making a living and enjoy having your own shop stick with it. If you think you would rather take a job for wages then go for it. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Guess I was a quite a bit of help :sorry


Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
Yes unfortunately I am and you can add 30 hours a week to that if you count all time I am gone from home :( I drove 135,000 miles last year in the "big" truck and 2500 mile in the PSD so I would say that is enough :D

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