serious opinions needed


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Sounds like they are offering you a nice package and you can use the job as a flexible job that would allow you to build your business and the reputation that other people are looking for while having a steady income and a company that gives you the flexability to do what you need to.

Depending on how much work you have for your shop it might work well for a nice financial stepping stone to having your own business up and running good.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
hheynow said:
Please don't take this the wrong way but here's some unsolicited constructive criticism. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious. I hope you speak clearly and concisely. The public's perception of you and your skills run deeper than your ability to be a great wrench...which I believe you are. Perhaps a make over such as a uniform and classy business cards will help you generate business. Heck, didn't I send you some business cross country?

i knowmy spelling and writing sucks.thats one of the reasons i didnt graduate high english teachers hated me.i speak alot clearer than i write.

ive got uniforms and classy business cards.but those dont help much.and yes you did send me someone but they come to the shop yet.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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puma said:
Make honesty the most important part of your business philisopy.And you cant fail.

i am the most honest mechanic in the area.if the vehicle dont need it it dont get it.if i cant figure a problem out and gotta start the part replacement till its fixed thing the customer doesnt get charged for the parts the car didnt need.i send those parts back.but the other shops charge for every part they put in wether its needed or not.ive had a few customers come to me and say "the last guy put this part in but it still doesnt run right"when i open the hodd the nice new part aint there.but yet these people still like dealing with those shops.

ive had customers say they have been to the same mechanic multiple times for the same problem.and they get charged each time they go back.they come to me once,the car is fixed right and they are happy cuz i didnt charge them as much as the other shop but they end up going back to that shop and get screwed again.

i charge5-10.00 more than a part costs me cuz i have to go get it myself unlike other shops that charge full list price for the parts when all they had to do was pick up the phone and have it delivered.


SDD Security
Apr 13, 2005
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on a river in Georgia
i have taken lots of managerial and business coarses, one thing that has helped me over the years has been to ask for referrals. Once you get a compliment, let them know that your business is still new and you need and want more customers just like them. i even give referral discounts, sometimes i send the referring customer a gift certificate to a local lunch shop. Anything to get someone talking about you and your shop.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with Fine69, try to approach the opportunity with them as a contract arrangement - you own the shop you have now and they bring the trucks to you. Or you go by there to do something, whatever. You can always go employee later if you like them but if not, you are not committed. You could attract other business by good performance for this customer.


Señor Aceite de Soja
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
95_stroker said:
Somewhere in that long mess of a life I kicked him out of the house because he could never pay bills on time, always ate all my food and drank my beer and left disgusting messes all over the house.

Mike, My bills were always paid on time. I haven't had a roommate since college (early 70s) and I don't drink beer or any other alcohol. BUT YES, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A SLOB. :thumbs


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
hheynow said:
Mike, My bills were always paid on time. I haven't had a roommate since college (early 70s) and I don't drink beer or any other alcohol. BUT YES, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A SLOB. :thumbs

I am begining to think stroker doesnt want any new roomates.
I to am a slob according to my DW :D
we may to start a new faction of the superduty club, the SLOB bunch,:D bet we get tons of members by default :D :roflmao
we return you now to the regurlay scheduled post topic, :sorry


Diesel Dork
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
central WI
I don't know if i will be any help, but since I am in a similar business, I will try. Note first that I work mostly on farm equipment, so that may or may not make a difference.
First of all, that sounds like a great job offer, but as stated, money is not what it all is about. You have to do what you like to do, or learn to like what you do. I worked at a large dealer shop for a while and it was OK. I was making some nice income and it was definately going to be increasing. But I am kind of an independant guy, so I went on my own. It is great. Most of the time. Some days it would be nice to just be able to punch out and go home.
Second, a few thoughts on what you said in this thread.
I don't know you, so you can just ignore what does not apply to you.
"i hate doing thework to make somebody else rich when i can do the same work cheaper then them and make myself rich." You have to get over this one. Some owners are rich. Many, many company owners are not. They go broke. It's not as easy as it looks. Yes, you can do the work cheaper, but not a lot cheaper. If you do it a lot cheaper, you won't get rich (or make money). I am charging $45 an hour when most shops are 55-75 an hour. I have more work than I can handle, and have a loyal base of good, repeat customers. I have been in business for a little over a year. My rates are going up soon. To $50. I also charge mileage, shop rate for travel time to the job, shop supply fee, just like the other shops. All of these other extras are never questioned when the bill is paid, but they pay my expenses. Which is another thing. Make sure you get paid. Right away. When the job is done. Most people will pay when they pick up, but the same ones will wait 60- 90 days if you send the bill. Accounts receivable will kill a small business all by itself. My Dad lost one this way.
"i dont get along well with people that tell me when,where,and how to do something." You have to. My customers do all the time. Yes, I help them out when they think they know what they need/want.:)
"i am the most honest mechanic in the area.if the vehicle dont need it it dont get it" Parts sales make up a large part of repair business profits. Now you have to be honest, yes without a doubt, but still, cover yourself. Small parts along the way, get replaced. Larger questionable items, just ask, "this part doesn't look too good, it costs $X to replace, what do you want to do?" Ask for people's business. It helps you, but it show the customer that you care about their vehicle/ machine running top notch with no breakdowns.
"i charge5-10.00 more than a part costs me cuz i have to go get it myself unlike other shops that charge full list price for the parts when all they had to do was pick up the phone and have it delivered." Like I said, a large portion of profits in the repair business is in parts sales. You may not need to charge list price, but usually a markup of 30% is more than fair. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Getting the equipment in your shop may be a good option, too, unless the company already has a good shop of their own for it.
So, you asked.:D This is my serious opinion. I hope it helps. :sweet



Diesel Dork
Mar 14, 2006
Reaction score
central WI
on second thought...

I just noticed, you're a whole 2 years older than me, so you don't have to listen to a word I said.:D

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