The attacks on 9/11 are tragic at best. Granted I am a gun toting liberal, but what burns me up beyond the selfishness and apathy we see today, 5 years later, is the continuing un-named and un-recognized victims of the attack. We can thank our narrow minded sensationalizing media for that.
In additon to the deaths of all the people and their families are the people who were directly affected but the buildings that fell, there are people and businesses that suffered in Manhattan beyond the front page. Corporations will and have rebuilt in Manhattan, but the little guy who nameless and faceless will remain so.
Please don't forget that it was more than 2 buildings that were destroyed in NY. It's 8, including a church.
Please don't forget that there are still about 25 people who are as of yet unaccounted for.
What happened to all the feelings of nationalism and community that we had for the few short months after the disaster? The masses are ignorant and selfish.
5 years and ONE day later- airport security just got worse. This morning's headline- "LAX Launches Remote Check-In Passengers will be able to drop off luggage and get boarding passes at sites throughout the city"
So in addition to getting shorter check in time by leaving your ID at home, boarding a plane just got easier.
In my heart, I hope that nothing like this happens again. In my head though, I hate to say I do not have as much faith.
Hoss- I was in a similar situation in 93 when the failed bombing occured, grad student in structures at Illinois. In 01, when I heard the news on the radio and then turned on the TV, I knew that the building was going to come down. It was the worst feeling in the world knowing what was going to happen.
There are too many things, social, ethical, and techinical that will never be addressed unfortunately.