jd87 said:
i didn't wreck that truck. bought a rebuilder since i can't afford a new one
Glad to hear that you weren't on board when it happened. From the looks of that truck, whatever happened to it was NOT FUN.
have you seen oregon's roads? they don't need any help. they repave a lot, and in a lot of places, they waste money by paving roads that don't need it. if there wasn't so much waste of our tax dollar i might feel bad.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day, I guess. If governmental waste was a valid excuse to not pay taxes, then I think we would all like to opt out. But it is not, and so most of us pay up because that is what you are supposed to do when you use something. PAY for it.
If you see waste happening in your state government, write your local representative and make sure you vote accordingly in November.
i'm not the only one. not all that uncommon to run offroad.
I'm sure your parents told you many times as a kid that just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean it is right... blah blah blah. You know the story. If everyone justified bad actions based on the fact that someone else got away with it, I think we would be in pretty sad shape right now.
how many people who run veg oil pay road tax like they're "supposed to".
Well, right now, most areas have an "up to x gallons a year tax deferred" setup for personal use. Cannot remember right off my head how much, etc, but it is basically an incentive to run alternative fuels, as an offset to the amount of time and effort it takes to "refine" veg oil and biodiesel into useable fuel. So, for the most part, they're legal.
However, once over that amount, you have a valid point. But again, I don't think that just because someone else is doing it that it is okay.
Speeding is illegal, too. i've been known to speed occasionally... no one's perfect, but I still think you're kind of a jerk making everyone else foot the bill for you. Maybe you don't see it that way
Oh, BTW, post pics as you go about fixing that truck up. I'd be interested to see the progress...