dare i say i could take credit for this 'topic', it was just a little message passed along from back in may when pretty much everything under the hood was replaced and during a discussion w/ ser. mgr. about my coolant covered underliner (i asked him to clean it) when he said the new truck don't even have it or heat shielding. something to do w/ the fact that fomoco says (according to him) that it trapped in too much heat.

just what he said.
now a certain few people are looking under the hood saying mine has it, mine doesn't have it etc. and stating there reasons for why it is good/bad. i merely passed along some info. i thought was of interest and it sounds like a couple of people want to expand on that idea (wrapping) which to me sounds like a better alternative. and as the above mentioned, why did ford not go this route instead. that is the great thing about this forum, many different peoples ideas/opinions and we bounce things off of others and come up w/ an even better solution. as for the heat blistering paint deal, i do believe that was a leaked tid bit of info. on the twins on the 6.4, yet to see if it is a reality.
maxtor- by all means go ahead and test the pipe wrap and post your findings. i am sure lots of us will be looking forward to hearing about it.

to date my dirty underliner is still in place, i do plan on removing it (but keeping the front lip seal - ser. mgr. said do not remove it, helps w/ air flow) and possible doing the wrap thing.
hoss, you can have your soap box back.