black and tan
which side of the boot did you take loose? the one closer to the front or the rear of the truck? as far as the ujoint goes...and yes im a total newb at it under the boot or just in front of it?
do you just unbolt it? one side? Just looking for a little more clarity.
Great writeup! The pics have got me going in the right direction!![]()
I took just the one side closer to the u-joint (I say that in case you have a 4x4). Jourdan you can see the u-joint in my 4th pic to the left of my hand. Or its the part (or front of) the yoke that is resting on the ground in my third pic. In that same pic you can see two little "clamps" with four screws, those are the four screws that you undo on that u-joint to remove the yoke from the drive line.
Its called a universal joint, but I think it would be better called a X-joint or a +joint. When you crawl under you will see your boot and right in front (or behind if your doing the front drive shaft) will be this u-joint take a 8mm wrench and remove the two clamps (there is only two) and then stick your large screw driver or pry bar and then separate the two sections of drive shaft and wala