First thing with a diesel is to NEVER refer to fuel as GAS. It may seem like a small item, but it is more important than that.
Good catch on the GAS part Dave.
As Dave sez.. A small item but should be mentioned.. One More Time ?
IF we, in normal conversation, normally use the word GAS.. in stead of DIESEL FUEL, or FUEL (?) If a wife, girlfriend, buddy, neighbor, relative.. or anyone else ever needs to drive, or barrow our truck (?)..... and we say: SURE..

... jus' put some GAS in it........ when yer dun.
That might/probably be.. EXACTLY what they'll do.

Run'n these things outa DIESEL FUEL, or FUEL.. is One Thing... Draining, changing out the filter(s), flushing, reprimeing and purging air & GAS... outa these things... is a Whole Nuther GIANT
PIA. Not to mention what DAMAGE could occur.. if it (the GAS) isn't caught in time. (by a unknowing person ?)
Very Important to use the Right Termanology. Ya GOTA Talk the Talk.
Small Item, but can lead to a Big Item.
(OBTW bloomingdale.. the leak 'round the filter.. could be the Fuel Filter Drain Valve O rings leaking)