Wow, Joe, i was just in madera on friday. I think i got outta there just in time. You guys had this going on last year to didn't ya'? I seem to remember some snow in bakersfield round this time, had everyone in a panic. Caltrans was shutting down the 58 and the grapevine. And I was right in the middle of it. I think i just missed it this time, I'm in Dallas, and it's 65 degrees here today. Dry as a bone too. Do you have a boat w/a powerstroke too?, You might need one before it's over!
I think it was the same thing last year and, Ya you did just beat it... again. A friend was guna leave for Denver on Saturday.. saw what was coming.. left Friday. Talked with him today, they just made it.. started snowing as they got over Raton.
Looks like the brunt of it for tonight, is going to hit the Grapevine & Tehachapi passes. More rain here tomorrow tho.
Yamaha on the boat.. but a PSD to pull it with.. does that count ??