the quadzilla stuff does fact one of the things i LIKE
about the quad stuff is it wont let you run "hard" until everything
is up to normal operating temp.
I agree BP. The Quad is good about that. Had the Quad on my 2K for 5 years, run it in the 120 notch, towing, I don't Push It, but just watch the EGTs & Rs. Anything under 2.2K RPM or over 900* gets a lower gear.
One of my Dads bits of fatherly advice was/is:
It ain't how FAST you go up a Hill loaded, It's how WELL you go up a Hill loaded. Be Good to yer equipment (?), It'll be good to you.
I've kinda lived with that.

I know I'm a 7.3 guy but Dependability was the question ?
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