Newbie Questions..Programmers, chips, etc.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
skip584 said:
Still trying to get a grip on the whole PSD performance thing. Not to sound completly dumb here,
You're never dumb because you don't know, only when you don't ask...
but can someone please explain to me the differences between programmers and chips and advantages and disadvantages.
PROGRAMMERS: A handheld unit about the size of a Gameboy with a computer-type readout that lets you "download" performance programs onto your truck's computer. ADVANTAGES: having several programs available to match the many different uses of your truck. Racing, cruising, and towing can all be taken care of by a programmer. The truck can be returned to stock anytime you want. No physical modifications need to be done (like adding a chip). Many tuners also have readouts for 0-60 times, and other cool features. Can tune transmission line pressures, shift points, etc. DISADVANTAGES: Cannot switch between programs "on the go" (you have to stop first). If the dealership "reflashes" the truck while a program is downloaded, you lose that program forever. Most programmers are "out of the box" standard programs, and cannot be custom tuned to the specific truck. If you lose the programmer, or it gets destroyed, you lose all of the tunes not currently downloaded, including your stock tune.

CHIP: An electronic device actually plugged into the truck's computer to modify existing programs into performance programs. ADVANTAGES: Big power, fully customizable for the truck in question. Multiple tunes, including utility tunes like high-idle, anti-theft, and valet modes. Can also tune the tranny, like the programmer. DISADVANTAGES: If you pull it off while the truck is running, you will be buying a new PCM. Connections can become poor, causing drivability issues until you find and fix the problem (RARE). YOu actually add something to the PCM, it is sitting there for all the world to see, and even if you remove it, Ford can still tell it was there.

I have been looking through all the forums and vendors online and am now more confused then ever with all the options.
Been there...
I talk to some guys and they talk about a seperate box to run the transmission transmission command?
Probably a Banks trans-command. Not needed in most cases, as long as you get a prgrammer/chip that modifies tranny line pressures, etc (which is all the trans command does). Adding a chip typically means you'll be doing some tranny work anyway, like a Sonnax, or a shft kit, for instance.
One guy told me he spent $500-600 on a programmer then took his truck to be worked on and lost the program??
He got screwed. Most programmers are in the $300 range. It is entirely possible that you can lose a program at the dealer, and once it is gone, it is GONE. Just out the stock program back in the PCM before taking it in and you'll eliminate this problem.
I am an old diesel guy that knows his way around a pump but am a little lost on the powerstrokes.
Spent too much time looking for the pump, did you?:roflmao Just kidding...
PSD's don't have a "pump" like most diesels. Each injector is it's own pump, which is driven by a high pressure oil supply pump. A different system, for sure.
I have been trying to talk my self into getting one.
DO IT!!! :sweet
I see all the modifications available, like the 10K
Which is a resistor-type mod, which simply tricks the PCM into providing higher-pressure high pressure oil, which in turn raises fuel injection pressure, resulting in 40-50 horse, by most estimates, at a cost of five cents for the resistor. Not a bad bargain, eh?
and fuel reg. shim,
This one is not for power so much as it is for driveability and fuel economy. Ford released the PS at about 54 psi fuel pressure. Internatiol released the T444E (same engine) at 65 psi. THey like 65 psi better (run smoother, quieter, better fuel economy) so a lot of guys shim their reg to provide fuel at or around 65 to 70 psi.
does a program or chip make these mods unecessary or help the program or chip.?
Chips and programmers typically raise HPO pressure as part of their programming, which reduces or eliminates the need for a 10K mod, for the most part. They do nothing for fuel pressure, so the reg shim is still a good mod regardless of whther you have a chip or not.
One guy told me that a flip chip? could be custom burned?? to my vehicle specs, ie. auto , gearset, tire size, injectors, turbo ,etc. and intended purpose, ie. stock , tow, heavy tow, fun, more fun, holy crap.? I really like the sound of this but don't want to lose my program somehow.
Jody Tipton is the man for this type of setup. Everything SPECIFIC to your truck. It will run OH SO GOOD. YOu can't lose your program with a chip, so don't worry about it.
Also is there a diagnostic software that I could run on a laptop or computer to do my own diagnostics, etc?
One of the benfits of a prgrammer is that they come with this feature as a freebie. Chips do not. You can get software for diagnostics, but I know nothing about any of it, so I will defer to those that do.
I know this is a lot of questions, please bear with me. I'm just an old dog, trying to learn a new trick :thanks I will be getting a 7.3 probably a 2000 for the better internals.
No sweat, that's why we're all here. If you are an old-time diesel dog, you probably have something to teach us, so welcome aboard!!!!

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