You'll never get that figure out of a veggie burner, all they know is that they are sticking it to big oil.
My hats off to the veggie burners and bio-brewers but the simple fact of the matter is it isnt cheaper or easier than pump fuel, nor is there enough supply to feed our nation, let alone our world. & *I* BOTH knew what the answers would be.
the cost to heat it for filtering should be calculated into the cost
too...but no one even thinks about coming up w/ that data either,
much less the cost to store it.
what little i HAVE to drive im not sure i could collect AND filter/brew
enough of it to allow time to sleep much less avoid paying for fuel
at the pump.
now its getting even MORE difficult to collect it, renders have
been charging for the collection of it for years...and theyre NOW
chasing down those that are "stealing" it from their company.
as soon as the resturants figure out they can SELL it instead of
pay to have it hauled off...that gravy (no pun intended) train will
come to a quick end TOO !