which gauges do you have for what
and how did you hook them up in your set up?????
Top gauge is coolant. The gauge sender tee is in my dieselsite coolant filter loop.
out port near t-stat -> gauge sender tee -> diesel site coolant filter -> return to degas bottle
I see no reason why the coolant gauge sender can't be in your vegoil coolant loop. It was just convienient for me to use the dieselsite coolant filter loop as it has been there for years.
Bottom gauge is for vegoil. Gauge sender tee is after my Vegtherm Mega, just inches from the OEM fuel pump inlet.
Any thoughts about mechanical vs electrical?
Would reg water temp gauges work, for this as well right?
How about a oil pressure gauge for the veggie side for a fuel pressure gauge ?
My pyro, boost & tranny are electrical and the Isspro EV series. They are fine for those three. That's not what we're talking about.
Those two in my photo ARE regular water gauges. It was only because the temp range was also suited to vegoil that I use it too. At first I had Cyberdyne electrical gauges for water and vegoil, but they were junk so I tossed them. I like the mechanical gauges I have because they will indicate the temp with the key off and you'll never be chasing a bad ground. I don't feel the need for a fuel pressure gauge. Wisdom dictates that a fuel pressure gauge in the cab is a bad idea. Hooking one up to the schrader valve with fuel injection hose and mounting it under the hood is something I can agree with, but not needed. What I do find extremely important is to have a vacuum gauge on the vegoil filter since the first stage of our fuel pumps work on suction. The 99+ Super Duties have an electrical fuel pump working on pressure so theirs is a bit different. With the aluminum billet you won't be using the stock fuel filters any more so your rear filter housing should have its own vacuum gauge.