some of you may recall from my apology, that part of my stress level was being caused by my house hunt..
here's the whole story...
We need to move our horses. The place they were boarded at imploded on itself, and the horses were not being cared for.
We moved them to a barn owned by mutual friends. That worked good, untill there was a change in shift for the owner, and the kids (teenagers) took over the horse care.. sometimes they got hay, sometimes they got grain, sometimes they got water, rarely did they get all three... so, after the dust had settled in Barn #1, we moved the horses back there. Well, that worked good for about, three maybe four hours.
So we looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked, found a place we liked. Couldn't make it happen because there is a township ordinance that said livestock could not go on a property that had laid fallow. Since the poeple that owned it had sold their horses and the barn was empty, the township told us we could not buy the property and put horses back on it.
Well, in the meantime, we had listed (and SOLD!) our house. It was on the market for about 100 days, and we had accepted an offer (we anticipated it being on the market for about six months). So now we had a mad dash to find a property that was horse-compatible. Well, it was coming down to D-Day, and we were making plans to rent an apartment and a lot for the RV in a trailer park.
When we stumbled across this
We made an offer on it last week.
The offer was accepted yesterday.

here's the whole story...
We need to move our horses. The place they were boarded at imploded on itself, and the horses were not being cared for.

We moved them to a barn owned by mutual friends. That worked good, untill there was a change in shift for the owner, and the kids (teenagers) took over the horse care.. sometimes they got hay, sometimes they got grain, sometimes they got water, rarely did they get all three... so, after the dust had settled in Barn #1, we moved the horses back there. Well, that worked good for about, three maybe four hours.

So we looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked, found a place we liked. Couldn't make it happen because there is a township ordinance that said livestock could not go on a property that had laid fallow. Since the poeple that owned it had sold their horses and the barn was empty, the township told us we could not buy the property and put horses back on it.

Well, in the meantime, we had listed (and SOLD!) our house. It was on the market for about 100 days, and we had accepted an offer (we anticipated it being on the market for about six months). So now we had a mad dash to find a property that was horse-compatible. Well, it was coming down to D-Day, and we were making plans to rent an apartment and a lot for the RV in a trailer park.
When we stumbled across this
We made an offer on it last week.
The offer was accepted yesterday.

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