Good one on Dave, WD40

TG - why did you decide to switch? We all face the difficult decision eventually but I'm just curious. The sig line on your baby was very impressive!
After looking at the new Superdutys, I found the interior/dash too unattractive to stand the prospect of having to look at it every day for the next dozen years or so. Ford's big, bad & bold interior design just made me cringe plain & simple. The GM interior on the hand struck me as being more non-loud & comfortable. The dash layout seems more "flowing" for lack of a better word. Ironically, to me the new GMC both on the inside and outside, looks more like my old 99 F-250 than the 2011 Superdutys do.
Buying a truck based on interior design may seem like a "lame" reason to some. But keep in mind, you spend more time looking at the interior than any other part of the truck.
I don't get into the arguements of brand X is better than brand Y or brand Z. They all have their good & bad points. Just about anyone will agree that the Duramax/Allison combo is a pretty decent setup. One can get a good truck or a lemon no matter what make it is. It can be a crap-shoot no matter which way you go.